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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

Testing rates and ratedecks#

Goal: create multiple ratedecks, assign rates in each, and verify the correct rate is chosen when rating a DID.#

The typical usage of the APIs to accomplish this:


Goal: test service plans to assign a ratedeck to an account#

Assuming the creation of ratedecks is working, test that creating a service plan for the ratedeck and assigning it to an account results in rating a DID within the account appropriately.

Note: as of this writing, creating new service plans in the master account is not doable via API. `pqc_cb_service_plans` therefore cheats and accesses the database directly to add/remove the service plans for the ratedecks.
