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About Conference#

Put the caller into a conference room (new or existing).

You can optionally include the conference config to create dynamic, ad-hoc conferences in lieu of the id


Validator for the Conference callflow element

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
config Build an ad-hoc conference using the conferences JSON schema object() false
id Kazoo ID of the conference string(32) false
moderator Is the caller entering the conference as a moderator boolean() false
play_entry_tone Should the Entry Tone be played boolean() | string() false
play_exit_tone Should the Exit Tone be played boolean() | string() false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false
welcome_prompt.media_id Media to play, either Kazoo media ID or URL string() false Should the Welcome Prompt be played boolean() true false
welcome_prompt Describes how the caller is greeted on entering a conference object() false


Schema for conferences

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
bridge_password the password used for a conference bridge string() false
bridge_username the username used for a conference bridge string() false
caller_controls caller controls (config settings) string() false
conference_numbers.[] string() false
conference_numbers Defines conference numbers that can be used by members or moderators array(string()) [] false
controls controls object() false
domain domain string() false
focus This is a read-only property indicating the media server hosting the conference string() false
language Prompt language to play in the conference string() false
max_members_media Media to play when the conference is full string() false
max_participants The maximum number of participants that can join integer() false
member.join_deaf Determines if a member will join deaf boolean() false false supported
member.join_muted Determines if a member will join muted boolean() true false supported
member.numbers.[] string() false
member.numbers Defines the conference (call in) number(s) for members array(string()) [] false
member.pins.[] string() false
member.pins Defines the pin number(s) for members array(string()) [] false
member.play_entry_prompt Whether to play the entry prompt on member join boolean() false
member Defines the discovery (call in) properties for a member object() {} false
moderator.join_deaf Determines if a moderator will join deaf boolean() false false
moderator.join_muted Determines if a moderator will join muted boolean() false false
moderator.numbers.[] string() false
moderator.numbers Defines the conference (call in) number(s) for moderators array(string()) [] false
moderator.pins.[] string() false
moderator.pins Defines the pin number(s) for moderators array(string()) [] false
moderator Defines the discovery (call in) properties for a moderator object() {} false
moderator_controls profile on the switch for controlling the conference as a moderator string() false
name A friendly name for the conference string(1..128) false supported
owner_id The user ID who manages this conference string(32) false supported
play_entry_tone Whether to play an entry tone, or the entry tone to play boolean() | string() false supported
play_exit_tone Whether to play an exit tone, or the exit tone to play boolean() | string() false supported
play_name Do we need to announce new conference members? boolean() false false
play_welcome Whether to play the welcome prompt boolean() false
profile Profile configuration object() false
profile_name conference profile name string() false
require_moderator does the conference require a moderator boolean() false
wait_for_moderator should members wait for a moderator before joining the conference boolean() false


Schema for conference profiles

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
alone-sound Audio that plays while you are alone in the conference string() false
announce-count Play member count to conference when above this threshold integer() false
caller-controls Name of the caller control group string() false
comfort-noise The volume level of background white noise integer() false
energy-level Energy level required for audio to be sent to other users integer() false
enter-sound Audio to play when entering a conference string() false
exit-sound Audio to play when exiting a conference string() false
interval Milliseconds per frame integer() false
locked-sound Audio to play when the conference is locked string() false
max-members Set the maximum number of members in the conference integer() false
max-members-sound If max-members has been reached, audio to play to caller instead of joining the conference string() false
moderator-controls Name of the moderator control group to use string() false
moh-sound Audio to play, on a loop, while participant count is 1 string() false
muted-sound Audio to play when muted string() false
rate Audio sample rate integer() false
unmuted-sound Audio to play when unmuted string() false