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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.



monster.ui.countrySelector($target[, args]);


Key Description Type Default Required
$target jQuery object that references a <select> element on which the list will be rendered. jQuery true
args Additional arguments to initialize the selector. Object(#args) false


Key Description Type Default Required
selectedValues One or more country codes that will be selected on load. String|Array [] false
options Configuration options for this helper. Object(#options) false


The helper options supports the ones available for the jQuery Chosen plugin, as well as a custom option named showEmptyOption. This parameter is a boolean which indicates whether to add an empty item to the choices list. Having this empty option allows the control to have an empty state.

Return value#

An object representing the jQuery Chosen instance that manages the list of countries.


  • "$target" is not a jQuery object: $target is not a jQuery element
  • "$target" is not a select input: $target does not reference a <select> HTML element
  • "args" is not a plain object: args is defined but not a plain object
  • "args.selectedValues" is not a string nor an array: args.selectedValues is defined but not a string neither an array
  • "args.options" is not a plain object: args.options is defined but not a plain object


This helper will transform a select input field into a list of selectable countries. It makes use of the monster.ui.chosen() helper under the hood, to make it easier for the user to search and select countries.