Qubicle Recipient Callflow

The Qubicle recipient callflow module is used to trigger recipient actions from Callflows.


Configuration JSON:

   "flow": {
       "data": {
            "link_method": {LINK_METHOD},
            "action": {ACTION},
            "target_queue": {TARGET_QUEUE},
            "pin_prompt_media": {PIN_PROMPT_MEDIA},
            "success_media": {SUCCESS_MEDIA_ID},
            "failure_media": {FAILURE_MEDIA_ID},
       "module": "qubicle_recipient",
       "children": {

The link method parameter will determine how the inbound caller is linked to a Qubicle user in order to determine what user to send the action as. It can be one of the following values:

  • “device”: The Authorizing-ID of the call will be matched against the owner for the device. If the owner is found and Qubicle enabled, the action is emitted for that owner.
  • “pin”: The caller is prompted for a pin code that is checked against the “qubicle.pin” configuration key on the users document, if there is a successful match the action is emitted for that user.
  • “both” (default): The device is checked first, failing a match the caller is then prompted for a pin.


This will determine the action that is emitted after the call has been linked to a user, the following values are allowed:

  • “login”
  • “logout”
  • “ready”
  • “away”
  • “login_ready” - This will perform BOTH the login and ready actions in one step.
  • “state_toggle” - This action will log the recipient in and go ready if they are logged out, or log them out if they are logged in.

The “ready” and “away” actions MAY be targeted at a specific queue if the “target_queue” value is configured to the ID of the Qubicle queue.

Target Queue

This will ONLY be used when sending a “ready” or “away” action, and will target the per-queue availability setting for the user.

Pin Prompt Media

This is the ID of a media file that will be played to prompt the caller to enter their pin for linking to a Qubicle recipient enabled user with a configured ‘pincode’.

Success Media

This is the ID of a media file that will be played when the action is successfully emitted.

Failure Media

This is the ID of a media file that will be played when the action fails (due to the lack of ability to associated a user with the caller).