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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

Event Call Properties#

Event call properties provide the ability to configure, on a per account basis, properties of the inbound kapps_call that are to be passed along on Qubicle queue events that involve the call.


The feature must be enabled globally in the system_config qubicle document by setting the "enable_event_call_props" flag to 'true'.

Per account configuration#

Once the feature has been enabled globally you can continue setting up the exact properties that you wish to pass-through on a per account basis. The configuration is set on the account document (in that account's database) in the "qubicle" section.

The "event_call_props" configuration takes a list of matching call properties to forward.

Configuration Example#

The following example configuration will forward the "Custom-SIP-Headers" values on to all queue events.

Configured on the account document

    "qubicle": {
        "event_call_props": [