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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

Qubicle Maintenance Module#

The Qubicle maintenance module provides several functions that will allow you to get debugging information or perform administrative tasks in the Qubicle application.

Reload Account Views#

If for some reason the qubicle views for accounts are not created / updated correctly, you can use this command to reload them system wide.

sup qubicle_maintenance refresh_views

Flush queue config#

You may flush the configuration for a single queue by specifying the QUEUE_ID and using the flush_queue_config method.

sup qubicle_maintenance flush_queue_config {QUEUE_ID}

Flush queue stats#

You can reset the daily statistics for a queue using the flush_queue_stats command.

sup qubicle_maintenance flush_queue_stats {QUEUE_ID}

Enable delivery debugging#

This command will enable additional (highly verbose) logging around routing decisions at delivery time

sup qubicle_maintenance enable_delivery_debug {QUEUE_ID}

Disable delivery debugging#

Disables delivery debugging

sup qubicle_maintenance disable_delivery_debug {QUEUE_ID}

Show node queue status#

This command will output the local and remote queue processes that are running on the system relative to the current node

sup qubicle_maintenance running_queues

Show node recipient status#

This command will output the local and remote recipient processes that are running on the system relative to the current node

sup qubicle_maintenance running_recipients