Qubicle Websockets Setup


This document will get a basic Websockets connection set up to the Qubicle event feed.


In order for the Websocket connections to work correctly, the Blackhole application must be started and the bh_qubicle module must be present and loaded.

Initiate Websocket connection

Set up the Websocket connection to Blackhole

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://{SERVER}:5555");

// Connection Open Callback
ws.onopen = function() {
    console.log("Websocket connection is open.");

Subscribe to Qubicle events via Websocket

Once the connection is successfully opened you must use a valid auth token to subscribe to Qubicle events. In this example a convenience function is created to help with the JSON formatting.

// Log Websocket data to console
ws.onmessage = function(ws_data) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(ws_data.data);

function send(json) {

// Subscribe for session events
send({"action":"subscribe", "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}", "data":{"account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}", "binding": "qubicle.session"}});

// Subscribe for recipient events
send({"action":"subscribe", "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}", "data":{"account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}", "binding": "qubicle.recipient"}});

// Subscribe for queue events
send({"action":"subscribe", "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}", "data":{"account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}", "binding": "qubicle.queue"}});