
Teletype listens for events within Kazoo and notifies those that are interested. This application replaces the notify application of old.

Autostart modules

The teletype modules listed in the autoload_modules section of system_config/notify will automatically be started when teletype is started.

Emergency Call Notification

The emergency_bridge notification is triggered when stepswitch recognizes an emergency call is being attempted.

Teletype will attempt to fetch the emergency_notfication_contact_emails parameter from the which is set on a phone number’s e911.notification_contact_emails, but will fallback to sending it to the Admins if this parameter has not been explictly set.


Stepswitch attempts to identify as much data as possible before publishing an emergency_bridge, including resolving the owner_id (if present) of a device to a username and email address. If a device does not have an owner, only the device name and id will be resolved.

Hotdesking allows for multiple users to be hotdesked to a device simultaneously.

When a device has a single hotdesked user, that user will be resolved as the owner and their metadata published in the notification.

However, if multiple users are actively hotdesked into a device, a specific owner cannot be determined, so the device is treated as a raw device and user metadata is not published in the notification.

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