Using Qubicle as a Recipient via Callflows

This guide will provide an overview of interaction with Qubicle as a recipient, using Callflows.

This will mean that you are going to be set up as an agent that will receive calls from a queue, and you will login and logout of that queue via feature codes from your phone.


  • A valid user that has a device configured, and is enabled as a Qubicle recipient


In this guide we will be using the following schemas and APIs:



In this example we will assume that our agents are using their own desk phones, thus we can enable device linking when using the recipient callflow so that they do not need to remember a pin code. The first step in this process is to decide which feature codes we would like to correspond to the various actions, and then configure the callflows for them.

Let us assume that for the purposes of this example we will use the following feature codes:

  • *20 to login
  • *21 to set ready state
  • *22 to set away state
  • *23 to logout

Now that we have decided the method for linking the calls to recipients and the feature codes we wish to use, we can proceed with the configuration via Crossbar APIs.

Configure login callflow

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" http://{SERVER}:8000/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/callflows -d '{"data":{"flow":{"module":"qubicle_recipient","data":{"link_method":"device","action":"login"}},"featurecode":{"name":"qubicle login","number":"20"},"numbers":["*20"]}}'

Configure set ready callflow

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" http://{SERVER}:8000/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/callflows -d '{"data":{"flow":{"module":"qubicle_recipient","data":{"link_method":"device","action":"ready"}},"featurecode":{"name":"qubicle set ready","number":"21"},"numbers":["*21"]}}'

Configure set away callflow

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" http://{SERVER}:8000/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/callflows -d '{"data":{"flow":{"module":"qubicle_recipient","data":{"link_method":"device","action":"away"}},"featurecode":{"name":"qubicle set away","number":"22"},"numbers":["*22"]}}'

Configure logout callflow

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" http://{SERVER}:8000/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/callflows -d '{"data":{"flow":{"module":"qubicle_recipient","data":{"link_method":"device","action":"logout"}},"featurecode":{"name":"qubicle logout","number":"23"},"numbers":["*23"]}}'

Typical Use

Now let’s walk through the typical usage from the viewpoint of a call center agent. First the agent will arrive at their desk and log into the queue, to indicate that they are now on shift and working.

** Agent dials *20 on their desk phone **

Perhaps the agent then gets some coffee, reads some emails, and is now ready to take calls. The agent then goes into the ‘ready’ state, so that they are marked as available to take calls.

** Agent dials *21 on their desk phone **

After a few hours it is time to go on break, the agent will now mark themselves as ‘away’ so that they are no longer considered available for call delivery.

** Agent dials *22 on their desk phone **

The agent will then enjoy lunch and upon returning, set themselves as ready again to finish out their shift.

** Agent dials *21 on their desk phone **

After a long days work, the agent is ready to go home. They will log out of Qubicle signifying the end of their shift.

** Agent dials *23 on their desk phone **

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