
Connect callers to new telephone endpoints


<Dial> will connect an active call to another endpoint. Supported party types

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Pivot will attempt to dial the offnet number 555-459-0451. Pivot will not render the next term in the document until after the <Dial> completes when the callee does not answer or disconnects the call.

If the original caller disconnects the call, Pivot will end the session and later terms in the document will not be executed.

Once this Pivot document is hosted, any spare number can be routed to use it through the Pivot App.

If you are using BYOC, make sure Kazoo is configured to use your carrier.


NameValues DescriptionDefault value
callerIdany stringfrom caller
hangupOnStartrue | falsefalse
timeLimitany positive integer (seconds)14400 (4 hours)
timeoutany positive integer (seconds)30


The URL where Pivot will make an HTTP request once the <Dial> term completes. method sets the HTTP method of the request. Pivot expects another Pivot document in response as either Kazoo JSON or TwiML, which will be rendered. Pivot never continues execution of the current document after an action, further terms will be unreachable.


The caller ID the callee will see. Can be set to any value. Defaults to the caller’s caller ID.


Allows the original caller to hang up on the dialed party without ending the Pivot session by pressing the * key. Dial execution completes, including sending requests to the action url if provided, and Pivot will attempt to execute the next term in the document.


Sets the HTTP request method for the action request, either POST or GET. Pivot expects a response with more call instructions. See Requests for information about the request and response formats.
Defaults to GET.


Maximum call duration, in seconds. After timeLimit seconds pivot will automatically hang up the call, defaults to 14400 seconds (4 hours).


Pivot will wait for the called party to answer for timeout seconds.

Pivot always adds an additional five seconds to timeout. for example timeout may be configured to 0 seconds, but because of this additional buffer, the true minimum time Pivot will wait for an answer is 5 seconds. The default value for the timeout parameter is 30 seconds, so the true default time Pivot waits on an answer by default is 35 seconds.

Nesting Nouns

Pivot supports several TwiML nesting nouns for , allowing callers to be connected to a variety of endpoints.

plain textSimple dial. Pivot expects a complete phone number which can be offnet
<Conference>Conference room endpoint
<Device>ID of an existing Kazoo Device
<Number>Plain text with extended attributes
<Sip>SIP URI to dial
<User>ID of an existing Kazoo User, see (Callflow Users)[]

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