Realtime webhook notifications for events with in Kazoo.
Newest Docs
events / webhooks /
Object (JSON Object) change eventsWed Jul 28 2021
events / webhooks /
Channel EventsWed Jan 15 2020
events / webhooks /
Webhooks *Event driven HTTP*Fri Dec 20 2019
events / webhooks /
The Webhooks DisablerTue Aug 27 2019
events / webhooks /
Call parking webhook eventMon May 06 2019
In this Section
Pusher sends notifications to wake smartphones before Kazoo bridges calls.
Email - Teletype
Create and brand email notifications to registered parties after call events.
Blackhole is the Kazoo websocket API for realtime event notifications and realtime Kazoo control.
Realtime webhook notifications for events with in Kazoo.