
About Callflow

Branches the current call to another callflow.


Validator for the callflow data object

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
doc_idA document ID of an allowed document to store a callflow IDstring()false
flowA callflow node defines a module to execute, data to provide to that module, and zero or more children to branch to#/definitions/callflows.actionfalse
idThe Callflow ID to branch tostring()false
pathThe name or path to the variable that should be looked up`string()array(string())`false
skip_moduleWhen set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any)boolean()false


Call flows describe steps to take in order to process a phone call. They are trees of information related to a phone call such as “answer, play file, record file” etc. that are logically grouped together and ordered.

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
children./.+/Call flows describe steps to take in order to process a phone call. They are trees of information related to a phone call such as “answer, play file, record file” etc. that are logically grouped together and ordered.#/definitions/callflows.actionfalse
childrenChildren callflowsobject()false
dataThe data/arguments of the callflow moduleobject(){}true
moduleThe name of the callflow module to execute at this nodestring(1..64)true

Usage / Example

There are three separate use-cases for the callflow module:

  1. Redirect to another callflow by ID
  2. Lookup a path to an ID in another document and redirect to that callflow ID
  3. Provide an flow to branch to (with a fallback if that flow is never answered)

Scenario 1

Redirect to another callflow by ID

  module: "callflow",
  data: {
    id: "id_of_another_callflow"

Scenario 2

Lookup a path to an ID in another document and redirect to that callflow ID

A user’s document may look like:

  id: "userid123",
  favorite_callflow_id: "callflowid123",
  ...(more info such as first_name, last_name, etc)

So the callflow module would look like:

  module: "callflow",
  data: {
    doc_id: "userid123",
    path: "favorite_callflow_id"

To access nested paths, two formats are supported array and dot delimited string.

  id: "userid123",
  "somekey": {
    favorite_callflow_id: "callflowid123",
  ...(more info such as first_name, last_name, etc)
["somekey", "favorite_callflow_id"]
dot delimeted path

Scenario 3

provide a flow to branch to (with a fallback if that flow is never answered)

  module: "callflow",
  data: {
    flow: {
      module: 'tts',
      data: {
        text: "This is said FIRST"
      children: {
        _: {
          module: 'tts',
          data: {
            text: "This is said SECOND"
  children: {
    _: {
      module: 'tts',
      data: {
        text: "This is said LAST"

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