Stepswitch Emergency Call Handling

Emergency Call Identification

When stepswitch attempts to execute a bridge of a call, it first checks to see if the call is flagged as an emergency call. If this condition is met, it will publish an emergency_bridge message with metadata for the call.

Emergency Test Calls

You can also define test call rules for the regional emergency services test number.

Stepswitch will attempt to match the dialed DID of an emergency call against the collected resource endpoints rules_test object in an effort to identify test emergency calls.

Emergency Call Notification

If stepswitch identifies an emergency route it immediately publishes the emergency_bridge AMQP message in kapi_notfications. This message is consumed by the teletype_emergency_bridge module as well as configured notifications or emergency_bridge specific webhooks.


Stepswitch attempts to identify as much data as possible before publishing an emergency_bridge, including resolving the owner_id (if present) of a device to a username and email address. If a device does not have an owner, only the device name and id will be resolved.

Hotdesking allows for multiple users to be hotdesked to a device simultaneously.

When a device has a single hotdesked user, that user will be resolved as the owner and their metadata published in the notification.

However, if multiple users are actively hotdesked into a device, a specific owner cannot be determined, so the device is treated as a raw device and user metadata is not published in the notification.

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