Temporal Route

About Temporal Route

Branch the callflow based on the current date and time when compared to the temporal rule(s) associated with the action.


Validator for the temporal_route callflow data object

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
actionWhat action to perform`string(‘menu''enable''disable''reset’)`
interdigit_timeoutHow long, in milliseconds, to wait for the next keypressinteger()false
rule_setID of the rule setstring()false
rulesList of rule IDs to usearray(string())[]false
skip_moduleWhen set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any)boolean()false
timezoneTimezone to use when processing temporal rulesstring()false

Rule Sets

To use a Rule Set in a callflow:

  1. Create your temporal_route module and add the rule_set field to the data payload. The rule_set should be the ID of the document.
  2. Set your first children to be the catch all (using _ for the key).
  3. Set the second one using rule_set.

If one (or more) of the rule in the rule set is satisfied it will got to the children using the rule_set key. If not to the catch all.

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