Record Caller

About Record Caller

Record the media stream, sending it to a configured URL on call completion.


Record the caller’s audio stream

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
formatWhat format to store the recording on disk`string(‘mp3''wav’)`false
media_idDoc ID of the created recording - if unspecified, KAZOO will generate onestring()false
media_namethe name of mediastring()false
methodHTTP verb to use when sending the recording to the supplied URL`string(‘put''post’)`putfalse
originHow the recording was startedstring()false
record_min_secThe minimum length, in seconds, the recording must be to be considered successful. Otherwise it is deletedinteger()false
record_on_answerWhether to delay the recording until the channel is answeredboolean()falsefalse
record_on_bridgeWhether to delay the recording until the channel is bridgedboolean()falsefalse
record_sample_rateWhat sampling rate to use on the recordinginteger()false
should_follow_transferIf true, the recording will continue after a transfer on the active legboolean()truefalse
skip_moduleWhen set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any)boolean()false
time_limitTime limit, in seconds, for the recordinginteger(5..10800)3600false
urlThe URL to use when sending the recording for storagestring(5..)false

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