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Check CID

Check Cid#

About Check Cid#

Handles inspection of incoming caller id and branching to a child callflow node accordingly.


Validator for the check_cid callflow data object

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level Update external Caller ID Name string() false
caller_id.external.number Update external Caller ID Number string() false
caller_id.external object() false
caller_id object() false
regex Determine match/nomatch when use_absolute_mode is false string() .* false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false
use_absolute_mode If true, direct call down a branch that matches the caller ID boolean() false false
user_id kazoo User ID to use as owner_id instead of detected owner_id string() false


Absolute mode#

When use_absolute_mode is true, a child branch is attempted if it matches the caller ID number exactly; otherwise the default child "_" is taken.

   "_":{ matching branches for the caller ID...}
   "+14158867900":{...If caller ID matches +14158867900...}

Match / No Match#

When use_absolute_mode is false, two child branches can be taken, "match" and "nomatch", based on whether the regex matched the caller ID.

    "match": { // callflow node to branch to when absolute mode is false and regex matches },
    "nomatch": { // callflow node to branch to when regex does not match or no child node defined for incoming caller id },
