
Get input from callers


<Gather> digits by DTMF dial tones from callers. <Gather> Completes when the timeout is reached, the caller provides the expected numDigits, or when the caller presses the finishOnKey. Pivot will always make an action request upon completion if the caller provides digits. Otherwise, Pivot will render the next term of the document.


NameValues DescriptionDefault value
actionURLCurrent Pivot URL
finishOnKeyany single DTMF character#
numDigitsany positive integerinfinite
timeoutany positive integer (seconds)5


The URL where Pivot will make an HTTP request if <Gather> completes with collected digits. (method)[#method] sets the HTTP method of the request. Pivot expects another Pivot document in response as either Kazoo JSON or TwiML, which will be rendered. Pivot never continues execution of the current document after an action, further terms will be unreachable.

Unlike most other Pivot TwiML terms, <Gather action=""> defaults to to the current Pivot URL, rather than none.


<Gather> will complete when this key is pressed and pivot will make an Action Request. Defaults to #


sets the HTTP request method for the (action)[#action] request, either POST or GET. Pivot expects a response with more call instructions. See Requests for information about the request and response formats.

Defaults to GET.


Maximum number of digits Pivot will collect. Once the maximum is reached, Pivot will immediately make an action request.


Maximum amount of time pivot will wait before <Gather> completes. Defaults to 5s

Nestable terms

Pivot allows some terms to be executed during <Gather>. Execution of these terms stops as soon as Pivot receives DTMF tones.

<Play>Play media
<Pause>Pause media playback
<Say>speak to a caller by TTS

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