Crossbar Configuration
System Configs
The following table outlines the configs that can be found in the system_config
database, crossbar
Key | Type | Default | Description |
api_auth_tokens | integer() | 35 | Default token cost of creating an auth token via API key |
autoload_modules | list(string()) | The list of Crossbar modules initially started | |
cache_ttl | integer() | 300 | Cache TTL, in seconds |
cleanup_timer | integer() | 86400 | Time, in seconds, to run the cleanup routines |
compress_response_body | boolean() | true | Whether to compress the response body before sending |
default_allow_anonymous_quickcalls | boolean() | true | Whether to allow unauthenticated quickcall API requests |
default_language | string() | en-US | The default language, if none are defined on the account |
magic_path_patterns | list(string()) | Magic path templates | |
max_upload_size | integer() | 8000000 bytes (8Mb) | Max upload size for request bodies |
maximum_range | integer() | 2682000 | Maximum range, in seconds, for time-based view queries |
pagination_page_size | integer() | 50 | Default page size when paginating |
port | integer() | 8000 | Port to listen for unencrypted traffic |
pretty_metrics | boolean() | true | Pretty-print metrics in logs |
request_timeout_ms | integer() | 10000 | Time, in milliseconds, for requests to timeout |
reset_id_size | integer() | 250 | Password-reset ID length |
schema_strict_validation | boolean() | false | Toggles whether to perform type conversions on client data when validating |
soft_delete_pause_ms | integer() | 10000 | Time, in milliseconds, to pause between deletions |
ssl_ca_cert | string() | undefined | Path to CA cert file |
ssl_cert | string() | /path/to/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.crt | Path to cert file |
ssl_key | string() | /path/to/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.key | Path to key file |
ssl_password | string() | "" | Cert password |
ssl_port | integer() | 8443 | Port to listen for SSL traffic |
ssl_workers | integer() | 100 | Number of SSL listeners to start |
token_costs | integer() | 1 | Default token cost of an API request |
trace_path | string() | /tmp | Path to put trace files when profiling API requests |
use_plaintext | boolean() | true | Whether to start unencrypted listener (port 8000 traffic, typically) |
use_ssl | boolean() | false | Whether to start an SSL listener |
user_auth_tokens | integer() | 35 | Default token cost of creating an auth token via username |
workers | integer() | 100 | Number of TCP listeners to start |
Additional Configs
Some modules use the crossbar
namespace to create a specific system_config
document for settings as well.