
About Resources

Resources represent external assets such as TDM hardware, SIP trunks, trans-coders, and other remote termination/originating call services or equipment.

There are two levels of resources, global (or system-wide), and per-account (bring your own carrier). The JSON format for both is identical; only their location in the 2600Hz database structure defines whether they are globally available or not.

When interacting with an account’s resources, the URL structure is as one would expect: /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/{RESOURCE_ID}. To modify the global resources, simply omit /accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID} from the URL (your auth token must have super-duper admin privileges).

To perform bulk resource operations use the collections endpoints.

About Adding Bulk Numbers

It is possible to add numbers, in bulk, to an account using the Jobs API below. If a job fails to run, there is a recovery process that runs periodically to attempt to resume stalled jobs.

You can configure how frequently the system checks for failed jobs in system_config/crossbar.resources, using the job_recover_timeout_s key (defaults to 6 hours).

You can configure how what is considered a ‘stalled’ job by defining how old the job is (the last time the job document was modified) relative to the current time. Configure in system_config/crossbar.resources, using the job_recover_threshold_s key (defaults to 1 hour). If a job is not completed, and hasn’t been modified in over an hour, there’s a good chance the job executor died. A new job executor will be started to pick up where the old one left off.


Schema for resources

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
caller_id_optionsCaller ID options#/definitions/caller_id_optionsfalse
cid_rulesRegexps to match against caller IDarray(string())false
classifiers./.+/.emergencyDetermines if the resource represents emergency servicesboolean()falsefalse
classifiers./.+/.enabledDetermines if the classifier is currently enabledboolean()truefalse
classifiers./.+/.include_pidfloWhether or not to include PIDF+LO payload when calling device’s address is availableboolean()false
classifiers./.+/.prefixA string to prepend to the dialed number or capture group of the matching rulestring(0..64)false
classifiers./.+/.regexregexp to match against dialed numberstring()false
classifiers./.+/.suffixA string to append to the dialed number or capture group of the matching rulestring(0..64)false
classifiers./.+/.weight_costA value between 0 and 100 that determines the order of resources when multiple can be usedinteger(0..100)50false
classifiersResource classifiers to use as rules when matching against dialed numbersobject()false
custom_channel_vars.inCustom Channel Vars to be applied to calls inbound to 2600Hz from the endpoint#/definitions/custom_channel_varsfalse
custom_channel_vars.outCustom Channel Vars to be applied to calls outbound from 2600Hz to the endpoint#/definitions/custom_channel_varsfalse
custom_channel_vars.^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The Custom Channel Var to add`string()boolean()integer()object()`
custom_channel_varsA property list of Channel Varsobject()false
custom_sip_headers.inCustom SIP Headers to be applied to calls inbound to 2600Hz from the endpoint#/definitions/custom_sip_headersfalse
custom_sip_headers.outCustom SIP Headers to be applied to calls outbound from 2600Hz to the endpoint#/definitions/custom_sip_headersfalse
custom_sip_headers.^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The SIP header to add`string()boolean()integer()`
custom_sip_headersA property list of SIP headersobject()false
custom_sip_interfaceThe name of a custom SIP interfacestring()false
emergencyDetermines if the resource represents emergency servicesboolean()falsefalse
enabledDetermines if the resource is currently enabledboolean()truefalse
flagsA list of flags that can be provided on the request and must match for the resource to be eligiblearray(string())[]false
flat_rate_blacklistRegex for determining if a number should not be eligible for flat-rate trunkingstring()false
flat_rate_whitelistRegex for determining if the number is eligible for flat-rate trunkingstring()false
format_from_uriWhen set to true requests to this resource will have a reformatted SIP From Headerboolean()false
formattersSchema for request formattersobject()false
from_account_realmWhen formatting SIP From on outbound requests, use the calling account’s SIP realmboolean()falsefalse
from_uri_realmWhen formatting SIP From on outbound requests this can be used to override the realmstring()false
gateway_strategyThe strategy of choosing gateways from list: sequential or randomstring('sequential' | 'random')false
gateways.[].bypass_mediaThe resource gateway bypass media modeboolean()false
gateways.[].caller_id_typeThe type of caller id to usestring('internal' | 'external' | 'emergency')false
gateways.[].channel_selectionAutomatic selection of the channel within the span: ascending starts at 1 and moves up; descending is the oppositestring('ascending' | 'descending')ascendingfalse
gateways.[].codecsA list of single list codecs supported by this gateway (to support backward compatibility)#/definitions/codecsfalse
gateways.[].custom_channel_vars.inCustom Channel Vars to be applied to calls inbound to 2600Hz from the endpoint#/definitions/custom_channel_varsfalse
gateways.[].custom_channel_vars.outCustom Channel Vars to be applied to calls outbound from 2600Hz to the endpoint#/definitions/custom_channel_varsfalse
gateways.[].custom_channel_vars.^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The Custom Channel Var to add`string()boolean()integer()object()`
gateways.[].custom_channel_varsA property list of Channel Varsobject()false
gateways.[].custom_sip_headers.inCustom SIP Headers to be applied to calls inbound to 2600Hz from the endpoint#/definitions/custom_sip_headersfalse
gateways.[].custom_sip_headers.outCustom SIP Headers to be applied to calls outbound from 2600Hz to the endpoint#/definitions/custom_sip_headersfalse
gateways.[].custom_sip_headers.^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The SIP header to add`string()boolean()integer()`
gateways.[].custom_sip_headersA property list of SIP headersobject()false
gateways.[].custom_sip_interfaceThe name of a custom SIP interfacestring()false
gateways.[].enabledDetermines if the resource gateway is currently enabledboolean()truefalse
gateways.[].endpoint_typeWhat type of endpoint is this gatewaystring('sip' | 'freetdm' | 'skype' | 'amqp')sipfalse
gateways.[].force_portAllow request only from this portboolean()falsefalse
gateways.[].format_from_uriWhen set to true requests to this resource gateway will have a reformatted SIP From Headerboolean()false
gateways.[].from_uri_realmWhen formatting SIP From on outbound requests this can be used to override the realmstring()false
gateways.[].invite_formatThe format of the DID needed by the underlying hardware/gatewaystring('route' | 'username' | 'e164' | 'npan' | '1npan' | 'strip_plus')routefalse
gateways.[].invite_parameters.dynamicA list of properties that, if found on the inbound call, should be added as an INVITE parameterarray()false
gateways.[].invite_parameters.staticA list of static values that should be added as INVITE parametersarray(string())false
gateways.[].media.fax_optionIs T.38 Supported?boolean()false
gateways.[].media.rtcp_muxRTCP protocol messages mixed with RTP databoolean()false
gateways.[].mediaThe media parameters for the resource gatewayobject()false
gateways.[].passwordSIP authentication passwordstring(0..32)false
gateways.[].portThis resource gateway portinteger()5060false
gateways.[].prefixA string to prepend to the dialed number or capture group of the matching rulestring(0..64)false
gateways.[].progress_timeoutThe progress timeout to apply to the resource gatewayinteger()false
gateways.[].realmThis resource gateway authentication realmstring(1..128)false
gateways.[].routeA statically configured SIP URI to route all call tostring()false
gateways.[].serverThis resource gateway serverstring(1..128)true
gateways.[].skype_interfaceThe name of the Skype interface to route the call overstring()false
gateways.[].skype_rrDetermines whether to round-robin calls amongst all interfaces (overrides “skype_interface” setting)boolean()truefalse
gateways.[].spanThe identity of the hardware on the media serverstring()false
gateways.[].suffixA string to append to the dialed number or capture group of the matching rulestring(0..64)false
gateways.[].usernameSIP authentication usernamestring(0..32)false
gatewaysA list of gateways available for this resourcearray(object())true
grace_periodThe amount of time, in seconds, to wait before starting another resourceinteger(1..20)5false
ignore_flagsWhen set to true this resource is used if the rules/classifiers match regardless of flagsboolean()false
mediaMedia options for resources#/definitions/endpoint.mediafalse
nameA friendly name for the resourcestring(1..128)true
require_flagsWhen set to true this resource is ignored if the request does not specify outbound flagsboolean()false
rulesA list of regular expressions of which one must match for the rule to be eligible, they can optionally contain capture groupsarray(string())[]false
rules_testA list of regular expressions of which if matched denotes a test rulearray(string())[]false
supports_pidfloWhether or not the resource supports multi-part PIDF+LO INVITEs for callsboolean()false
weight_costA value between 0 and 100 that determines the order of resources when multiple can be usedinteger(0..100)50false


Caller ID options for endpoints

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
format./.+/.prefixPrefix to add to captured group of regexstring()false
format./.+/.regexRegexp to match normalized CID and use first capture groupstring()false
format./.+/.suffixPrefix to add to captured group of regexstring()false
format./.+/Format to use for the CID classificationobject()false
format.all.prefixPrefix to add to captured group of regexstring()false
format.all.regexRegexp to match normalized CID and use first capture groupstring()false
format.all.suffixPrefix to add to captured group of regexstring()false
format.allFormat to use for all CID formatting needs (vs per-classifier)object()false
formatObject for CID formatters based on number classifiersobject()false
ignore_completed_elsewhereSuppress the completed elsewhere causeboolean()false
outbound_privacyDetermines what appears as caller id for offnet outbound calls. Values: full - hides name and number; name - hides only name; number - hides only number; none - hides nothingstring('full' | 'name' | 'number' | 'none')false
privacy_methodMethod to use for anonymizing CIDstring('sip' | 'none' | 'kazoo')false
show_rateWhether to show the rateboolean()false
typeCaller ID on endpoint to choosestring('internal' | 'external' | 'emergency')false


A list of codecs the endpoint supports

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level

A list of audio codecs the endpoint supports

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level

A list of video codecs the endpoint supports

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level


Custom Channel Vars applied to an INVITE

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The Custom Channel Var to add`string()boolean()integer()object()`


Custom SIP headers applied to an INVITE

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$The SIP header to add`string()boolean()integer()`

Schema for endpoint media options

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
audio.codecsA list of audio codecs the endpoint supports#/definitions/codecs.audiofalse
audioThe audio media parametersobject(){}false
bypass_mediaDefault bypass media mode (The string type is deprecated, please use this as a boolean)`boolean()string(‘auto’ | ‘false’ | ‘true’)`false
encryption.enforce_securityIs Encryption Enabled?boolean()falsefalse
encryption.methods.[]string('zrtp' | 'srtp')false
encryption.methodsSupported Encryption Typesarray(string('zrtp' | 'srtp'))[]false
encryptionEncryption Parametersobject(){}false
fax_optionIs T.38 Supported?boolean()false
ignore_early_mediaThe option to determine if early media from the endpoint should always be ignoredboolean()false
progress_timeoutThe progress timeout to apply to the endpoint (seconds)integer()false
video.codecsA list of video codecs the endpoint supports#/definitions/codecs.videofalse
videoThe video media parametersobject(){}false
webrtcIf true, forces a WebRTC compatible SDP on the INVITEboolean()false


Schema for request formatters

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
^[[:alnum:]_]+$Key to match in the route request JSON`array(#/definitions/formatters.format_options)#/definitions/formatters.format_options`false


Schema for formatter options

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
directionOnly apply the formatter on the relevant request directionstring('inbound' | 'outbound' | 'both')false
match_invite_formatApplicable on fields with SIP URIs. Will format the username portion to match the invite format of the outbound request.boolean()false
prefixPrepends value against the result of a successful regex matchstring()false
regexMatches against the value, with optional capture groupstring()false
stripIf set to true, the field will be stripped from the payloadboolean()false
suffixAppends value against the result of a successful regex matchstring()false
valueReplaces the current value with the static value definedstring()false

INVITE Parameters

The INVITE parameters object defines both static and dynamic parameters that should be added to the request URI.

Static parameters are added ‘as-is’ and can be any format. However, they should follow the SIP standard for the header field format and should not include a semi-colon.

Dynamic parameters obtain the value from properties of the initiating call (requester) if present, and are ignored if not. Dynamic parameters can be defined either as a string or an object. When defined as a string the property is extracted from the requester and if found the resulting value used without modification as an INVITE parameter. When defined as an object both a tag as well as a key property must be defined. The key property is used to extract the value from the requester and the tag is appended as the INVITE parameter name. By default the INVITE parameter name and value are separated by an equals sign but this can be overridden by providing a separator property.

For example, if a resource gateway contains the following object:

           "invite_parameters": {
               "dynamic": [
                       "tag": "id",
                       "key": "custom_channel_vars.account_id"
               "static": [

and assuming the requesting call has pass-through (with value pass-through=0288) as well as account_id (with value XXXX) custom channel variables it will result in an INVITE request URI such as:

INVITE sip:+14158867900@;npid;id=XXXX;pass-through=0288 SIP/2.0

Formatting the From

Some upstream carriers require the From address’ realm to be formatted. There are a couple toggles you have to control this realm. First, you will need to configure "format_from_uri":true to enable this formatting functionality. Then you have 3 options, evaluated in this order:

  1. Set "from_uri_realm":"{CUSTOM_REALM}" where {CUSTOM_REALM} is the static realm you’d like on the From
  2. Set "from_account_realm":true to use the calling account’s realm
  3. Set "realm":"{CUSTOM_REALM}" on a per-gateway basis (not on the top-level resource)


The rules_test object defines an array of regular expressions for test patterns of the given resource.

For example, if the resource handles emergency routes in North America:

  "rules_test": [

defining 933 as a test route, will inform teletype this emergency call is a test and will be reflected as such in the notification.

List the account’s resources

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": [
         {"enabled": true,
          "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
          "name": "Carrier1",
          "weight": "50"
         {"enabled": true,
          "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
          "name": "Carrier2",
          "weight": "50"
    "page_size": 2,
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Create a new resource

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{"name":"Carrier 3", "gateways":[]}}' \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "emergency": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": [],
        "gateways": [],
        "grace_period": 5,
        "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "media": {
            "audio": {
                "codecs": ["PCMU"]
             "video": {
                 "codecs": []
         "name": "Carrier 3",
         "rules": [],
         "weight_cost": 50
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Remove a resource

DELETE /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/{RESOURCE_ID}

curl -v -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "caller_id_options": {
            "type": "external"
        "emergency": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": [],
        "gateways": [
                "channel_selection": "ascending",
                "codecs": ["PCMU", "PCMA"],
                "custom_sip_headers": {},
                "emergency": false,
                "enabled": true,
                "endpoint_type": "sip",
                "format_from_uri": false,
                "invite_format": "route",
                "password": "DrWoody",
                "prefix": "+1",
                "progress_timeout": "6",
                "realm": "",
                "server": "",
                "skype_rr": true,
                "suffix": "100",
                "username": "blazemore"
        "grace_period": 5,
        "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "media": {
            "audio": {
                "codecs": ["PCMU"]
            "video": {
                "codecs": []
        "name": "Carrier 3",
        "peer": false,
        "rules": [
        "type": "local",
        "weight_cost": "50"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Fetch a resource

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/{RESOURCE_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "caller_id_options": {
            "type": "external"
        "emergency": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": [],
        "gateways": [
                "channel_selection": "ascending",
                "codecs": ["PCMU", "PCMA"],
                "custom_sip_headers": {},
                "emergency": false,
                "enabled": true,
                "endpoint_type": "sip",
                "format_from_uri": false,
                "invite_format": "route",
                "password": "DrWoody",
                "prefix": "+1",
                "progress_timeout": "6",
                "realm": "",
                "server": "",
                "skype_rr": true,
                "suffix": "100",
                "username": "blazemore"
        "grace_period": 5,
        "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "media": {
            "audio": {
                "codecs": ["PCMU"]
            "video": {
                "codecs": []
        "name": "Carrier 3",
        "peer": false,
        "rules": [
        "type": "local",
        "weight_cost": "50"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Change a resource

POST /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/{RESOURCE_ID}

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{...ResourceData...}}'
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "caller_id_options": {
            "type": "external"
        "emergency": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": [],
        "gateways": [
                "channel_selection": "ascending",
                "codecs": ["PCMU", "PCMA"],
                "custom_sip_headers": {},
                "emergency": false,
                "enabled": true,
                "endpoint_type": "sip",
                "format_from_uri": false,
                "invite_format": "route",
                "password": "DrWoody",
                "prefix": "+1",
                "progress_timeout": "6",
                "realm": "",
                "server": "",
                "skype_rr": true,
                "suffix": "100",
                "username": "blazemore"
        "grace_period": 5,
        "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "media": {
            "audio": {
                "codecs": ["PCMU"]
            "video": {
                "codecs": []
        "name": "Carrier 3",
        "peer": false,
        "rules": [
        "type": "local",
        "weight_cost": "50"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Patch a resource

PATCH /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/{RESOURCE_ID}

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{"custom_sip_headers":{"X-Reseller-ID":"a1b2c3"}}}' \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "caller_id_options": {
            "type": "external"
        "custom_sip_headers": {
            "X-Reseller-ID": "a1b2c3"
        "emergency": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": [],
        "gateways": [
                "channel_selection": "ascending",
                "codecs": ["PCMU", "PCMA"],
                "custom_sip_headers": {},
                "emergency": false,
                "enabled": true,
                "endpoint_type": "sip",
                "format_from_uri": false,
                "invite_format": "route",
                "password": "DrWoody",
                "prefix": "+1",
                "progress_timeout": "6",
                "realm": "",
                "server": "",
                "skype_rr": true,
                "suffix": "100",
                "username": "blazemore"
        "grace_period": 5,
        "id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "media": {
            "audio": {
                "codecs": ["PCMU"]
            "video": {
                "codecs": []
        "name": "Carrier 3",
        "peer": false,
        "rules": [
        "type": "local",
        "weight_cost": "50"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Fetch a listing of jobs

Do note you can use the created_from and created_to flags to change to time period queried.

The keys failures and successes represent the count of how many numbers failed and succeeded, respectively.

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/jobs

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": [
            "failures": 0,
            "successes": 2,
            "id": "201408-394de70ecf6f8252",
            "status": "pending",
            "timestamp": 63575950041,
            "failures": 0,
            "successes": 1,
            "id": "201408-70766ed00a24",
            "status": "pending",
            "timestamp": 63575878379,
    "page_size": 2,
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION}",
    "start_key": 63573276761,
    "status": "success"

Create a new job

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/jobs

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{"numbers":["+12223334444", "+23334445555"], "resource_id":"{RESOURCE_ID}"}}' \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "errors": {},
        "id": "201408-39512771f9d2d499",
        "numbers": [
        "successes": {}
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION}",
    "status": "success"

Fetch a job’s status

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/jobs/{JOB_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "resource_id": "{RESOURCE_ID}",
        "errors": {},
        "id": "201408-394de70ecf6f8252",
        "numbers": [
        "status": "pending",
        "successes": {},
        "timestamp": 63575950041
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "revision": "{REVISION}",
    "status": "success"

Create a new collection of resources

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/collection

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":[{...RESOURCE...}, {...RESOURCE...}]}' \

Change a collection

POST /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources/collection

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{"numbers":["+12223334444", "+23334445555"], "resource_id":"{RESOURCE_ID}"}}' \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
            "{RESOURCE_ID}": "{ERROR_MESSAGE}"
            "{RESOURCE_ID}": "{RESOURCE_DOC}"

Server hostname validation

2600Hz clusters may restrict what hostnames can be put in the server portion of a gateway.

For SIP hostnames, the following process is followed to validate the value of server:

  1. Is the server value an IP address a. If yes, go to 2 b. If no, go to 3
  2. For IP addresses, compare against a system-configured deny list of CIDRs and a system-configured restricted IP list.
  3. For server value, lookup SRV records for a. If no results, go to 4 b. For each hostname found, go to 1
  4. Lookup A record of a. If no results, go to 5 b. For each result, go to 1
  5. Lookup in local (node) file (/etc/hosts for instance)

Restricted IP space

CIDRs and IPs that qualify as “restricted” include (but aren’t limited to):

  • RFC1918 IPs
  • IPv6 unique local addresses: fc00::/7
  • IPv4 unspecified address:
  • IPv4 loopback address:
  • IPv6 loopback address: ::1/128
  • IPv4 auto-config address:
  • IPv6 link-local prefix: fe80::/10