Requests and Responses

Pivot sends some general information along side the call’s parameters to your server when making a request, and can encode these parameters differently to match your API.

Pivot Options

The first request to your server will always come by way of Callflow. Even when using the Pivot GUI app, behind the scenes 2600Hz uses the pivot Callflow module to route a call to Pivot for you.

The pivot Callflow JSON module has options which modify how Pivot sends requests to your server. When using the Pivot GUI app, only the voice_url, method and req_format can be used. the others are available through Advanced Callflow and the Callflow API.

Call data can be sent as a URL encoded query string or in the body of the request depending on the values of req_body_format and method.

  • When req_body_format is set to form, parameters are url encoded.
  • When req_body_format is set to json and method to post, parameters are sent in the request body in JSON format.

In this sample, Pivot would send parameters as a JSON document in the the request body:

  "module": "pivot",
    "data": {
      "voice_url": "http://your.pivot.server/",
      "req_body_format": "json",
      "method": "post",
voice_urlWhat URL to send the request when a call comes into this Pivot callflow. This field is required.

The URL is stricly checked to be a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL and hostname if used must be resolvable through DNS. The URL must contain schema and hostname or IP and an optional port or user name password for basic authentication.

Please be note depends on system configuration, IPs and hostname localhost may by default blocked. System administrator may also blocked RFC1918 IPs,, and

Valid hostname looks like:

* https?://[user@pass][:port]

Required parameter, no default.
methodWhat HTTP method to send the request(s) with. Possible values are:

* get
* post

Defaults to get
req_formatRequest parameter format Pivot will use. Valid options are:
* kazoo
* twiml

See Request Parameters section for more info.

Defaults to kazoo
req_body_formatFormat to encode the request body, including request parameters when using POST, valid options are

* form: request body will be encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format as a query string
* json: request body will be formatted in application/json

Defaults to form
cdr_urlURL to send the CDR to at the end of the call. If used, CDRs for for the initial call and any additional calls connected during the Pivot session are sent to this URL at the end of the call.
The body is encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
Note that 2600Hz always stores CDRs accessible through the CDRs API. This parameter allows for the CDRs to additionally be sent to developer servers.

No Default
debugStore debug logs of the requests and responses to your application. These logs are then available via the Pivot API

Defaults to false
req_timeout_msHow long, in milliseconds, to wait for a Pivot response from the developer server. maximum value is 5 seconds. 2600Hz highly recommends that your application respond to requests under 5 seconds to avoid call quality issues.

Defaults to 5000
custom_request_headersCustom HTTP headers to include on each Pivot request to the voice_url. 2600Hz expects these headers to conform to the HTTP protocol spec. For example, header names must be prefixed with X-
Used to pass additional data to developer servers.

No Default

Request Parameters

Pivot can send parameters with Pivot TwiML style keys, or with Callflow style keys, depending on the value of req_format.

  • when set to twiml, Pivot will use Pivot TwiML parameters.
  • when set to kazoo, Pivot will use Callflow Parameters.

These parameters are sent in every request:

Callflow ParametersPivot TwiML ParametersDescription
Account-IDAccountSidThe id of the 2600Hz accout receiving the call
Api-VersionApiVersionThe version of the API
Call-IDCallSidThe unique call identifier
Caller-ID-NameCallerNameCaller ID Name
Caller-ID-NumberCallerNumberCaller ID Number
DirectionDirectionThe direction of the call, relative to 2600Hz: outbound if 2600Hz originated the call, inbound otherwise
From-RealmFromRealmFrom SIP realm
FromFromCaller’s number, if available
Language-The caller’s language preference
To-RealmToRealmTo SIP realm
ToToDialed number, SIP endpoint or user
User-ID-The User ID(s) of the caller

So if your application needs to route some calls differently depending on the phone number, your Server can use Caller-ID-Number field of the request to handle that.

Optional Parameters

The request may include these parameters after certain callflow modules or Pivot TwiML terms are executed.

Callflow ParametersPivot TwiML ParametersDescription
Call-StatusCallStatusStatus of the call
Custom-Application-Vars-Custom application variables set on the call channel
Custom-SIP-Headers-Custom SIP Headers set on the call channel
DialCallDurationDialCallDurationHow many billable seconds in the call
DialCallSidDialCallSidCall-ID of the b-leg
DialCallStatusDialCallStatusCall status of the b-leg
DigitsDigitsAny DTMF (or collection of DTMFs) pressed
Recording-DurationRecordingDurationHow long the recording is
Recording-IDRecordingSidThe recording id
Recording-UrlRecordingUrlThe URL that can be used to retrieve the recorded media


Pivot expects a 200 response which includes a Content-Type header, which tells pivot if your resonse contains Pivot TwiML or Callflow JSON.

  • when the value is text/xml or application/xml, Pivot expects Pivot TwiML
  • when the value is application/json, pivot expects Callflow JSON
  • Any usupported Content-Type will result in a failure.

If your server decides not to handle a call, it is still responsible for sending a response to end the call. For a quick no answer, the server can send 200 OK, with Content-Type: aplication/xml and body <Response/>.

If a request times out or otherwise fails Pivot will end the call immediately, unless the first request of a call times out. When that happens, 2600Hz will fallback on the callflow that initiated the Pivot. When routing to Pivot using the Pivot GUI app, the remainder of the callflow is always empty, so the call will end. This only applies to the initial Pivot request for each call. A request failing after the first results in call termination.

Your server’s responses can and often will include instructions for Pivot to make further requests. This is done using either the pivot module in a Callflow JSON response, or the action parameter of many Pivot TwiML terms.

Your server can always respond with valid Callflow JSON or Pivot TwiML—it does not matter in what format Pivot sent the parameters.

It also does not matter what your server has previously sent to Pivot, even for a single call. For example, if your first response contained Pivot TwiML instructions, After another request from Pivot for the same call, your server may respond with Callflow JSON and Pivot will execute it.

For example, if Pivot makes a request to and your server responds:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>This is a Pivot TwiML response. Try Callflow JSON next</Say>

Pivot will make another request after rendering <Redirect>, and your server could respond with:

  "module": "tts",
  "data": {
    "test": "Wow, this is a Callflow JSON response! Lets try Pivot TwiML next"
  "children": {
    "_": {
      "module": "pivot",
      "data": {
        "voice_url": ""

Pivot will happily process these forever until the caller hangs up. Take care to avoid infinite loops like this building your own Pivot systems.