
Use a text-to-speech engine in calls


Pivot will use a TTS engine to say text in the body of the term. To use <Say>, the 2600Hz account must have a TTS engine configured. Currently, 2600Hz supports iSpeech, Flite, Google TTS, and, Voice Fabric. To add iSpeech to a 2600Hz account, follow Add iSpeech TTS tutorial. 2600Hz ships with Flite configured for use out of the box, though individual installations may be configured differently.

For the Callflow Json equivalent, see tts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>Pivot is pretty awesome, Have a nice day</Say>


NameValues DescriptionDefault value
loopany positive integer including zero1
terminatorsany dtmf characters0123456789*#
languageany language supported by the TTS engineaccount default or en-us
voiceany voices supported by the TTS engine, usually male or `femaleaccount default TTS voice or male
engineany engine configured in the 2600Hz accountaccount default


Specifies how may times the body text is said to the user. By default the text will play once. A value of 0 will loop the text indefinitely until either one party disconnects or the term otherwise completes from a terminator.


When pressed, this key stops playback. <Say> will then complete. By default, any DTMF character will halt playback.


Check the TTS engine for available languages.
If unspecified, Pivot will use to the default TTS language for the 2600Hz account. If no account default is configured, Pivot defaults to en-us.


Check the TTS engine for available voices, most support male and female.
If unspecified, Pivot will use to the default voice for the 2600Hz account. If no account default is configured, Pivot defaults to male.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say voice="woman" language="en-gb" loop="2">Hello</Say>


Select from configured TTS engines available to the 2600Hz account. Each <Say> term can use a different engine, if desired.


Can be nested under <Gather> to play TTS until the caller provides the first DTMF.
Terms cannot be nested within <Say>.