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Here's a run down of the available SUP commands for manipulating ecallmgr!

All commands should be prefixed by sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance. So if the command is listed as list_fs_nodes, the full command you would actually run from the command line is sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance list_fs_nodes.

Managing FreeSWITCH servers#

  • add_fs_node [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Instructs ecallmgr to connect to the provided FreeSWITCH server. Set {AS_DEFAULT} to false (true if not specified) to only add the FreeSWITCH node to the local ecallmgr's system_config entry. This command is will update the list of FreeSWITCH servers to connect to on ecallmgr startup.
  • remove_fs_node [{AS_DEFAULT}]: disconnect ecallmgr from the provided FreeSWITCH server. Set {AS_DEFAULT} to true to persist the change to the default list of FreeSWITCH servers; otherwise only the local ecallmgr's config is updated.
  • list_fs_nodes: Lists the FreeSWITCH servers ecallmgr is currently connected to and interacting with.
  • get_fs_nodes: Fetches the configured list of FreeSWITCH servers from the AMQP bus.

Managing ACLs#

Managing Carrier IPs#

  • carrier_acls [{AS_DEFAULT}]: List the known carrier ACLs for the current ecallmgr (or set {AS_DEFAULT} to true for the default list of ACLs).
  • test_carrier_ip I.P.Add.Ress: Tests an IP address against all connected FreeSWITCH servers and report if it would be allowed or denied.
  • allow_carrier Name I.P.Add.Ress [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Allows traffic from the IP address (or CIDR) in the carrier ACL list. Name is a human-friendly label to associate with the IP Address.
  • deny_carrier Name I.P.Add.Ress [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Denies traffic from the IP address (or CIDR) in the carrier ACL list. Name is a human-friendly label to associate with the IP Address.

Managing SBC IPs#

These will be your Kamailio IP addresses most of the time

  • sbc_acls [{AS_DEFAULT}]: List the known SBC ACLs for the current ecallmgr (or set {AS_DEFAULT} to true for the default list of ACLs).
  • test_sbc_ip I.P.Add.Ress: Tests an IP address against all connected FreeSWITCH servers and report if it would be allowed or denied.
  • allow_sbc Name I.P.Add.Ress [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Allows traffic from the IP address (or CIDR) in the SBC ACL list. Name is a human-friendly label to associate with the IP Address.
  • deny_sbc Name I.P.Add.Ress [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Denies traffic from the IP address (or CIDR) in the SBC ACL list. Name is a human-friendly label to associate with the IP Address.

General Commands#

  • acl_summary [{AS_DEFAULT}]: list the ACLs that are currently being fetched from the config
  • remove_acl Name [{AS_DEFAULT}]: removes the ACL-related information associated with the Name label used when allowing/denying an IP address.
  • reload_acls: Issues a reloadacl command to all connected FreeSWITCH servers
  • flush_acls: Flushes the cached ACLs from the ecallmgr node


  • node_summary: Get a summary of all connected FreeSWITCH nodes.
  • node_details [{NODE_NAME}]: Get a detailed report of all connected FreeSWITCH nodes (or just for {NODE_NAME} where {NODE_NAME} is
  • channel_summary [{NODE_NAME}]: List a summary of known channels, across all connected FreeSWITCH servers (or just for {NODE_NAME})
  • channel_details [{NODE_NAME}]: List details of known channels, across all connected FreeSWITCH servers (or just for {NODE_NAME})
  • conference_summary [{NODE_NAME}]: List a summary report of all conferences on all connected FreeSWITCH servers (or just {NODE_NAME}).
  • conference_details [{NODE_NAME}]: List a detailed report of all conferences on all connected FreeSWITCH servers (or just {NODE_NAME}).
  • registrar_summary [{SIP_REALM}]: List known registration summary for all known registrations or just for registrations for {SIP_REALM}.
  • registrar_details [{SIP_REALM}]: List known registration details for all known registrations or just for registrations for {SIP_REALM}.
  • registrar_details {SIP_USER} {SIP_REALM}: List registration details for SipUser@SipRealm

Sanity Checks#

  • sync_channels [{NODE_NAME}]: Reconcile ecallmgr's list of channels against known channels on the FreeSWITCH servers. Useful during disconnect/reconnect scenarios if the list isn't reflecting the actual channels up.
  • sync_conferences [{NODE_NAME}]: Reconcile ecallmgr's list of conferences against known conferences on the FreeSWITCH servers. Useful during disconnect/reconnect scenarios if the list isn't reflecting the actual conferences up.
  • hangup_long_running_channels [{MAX_AGE}]: Search known channels and hang any up that have been on longer than {MAX_AGE} seconds.
    • limit_channel_uptime {MAX_AGE} [{AS_DEFAULT}]: Limit the max age of channels. Set to 0 to disable the check (default).

Flushing Things#

  • flush_node_channels {NODE_NAME}: Flush the node's tracked channels in ecallmgr
  • flush_node_conferences {NODE_NAME}: Flush the node's tracked conferences in ecallmgr
  • flush_registrar [{SIP_REALM} [{SIP_USER}]]: Flushes ecallmgr's registration cache for all registrations, any registration under the {SIP_REALM}, or a specific registration for SipUser@SipRealm
  • flush_authn: Flushes SIP credentials (used to speed up responses to INVITE/REGISTER attempts)
  • flush_util: Flushes the util cache, used by authz, origination, and other parts of the code

Authorization (authz)#

  • enable_authz: Turns on authorization for all ecallmgrs (or at least, those that don't override it in their personal configs).
  • disable_authz: Turns off authorization for all ecallmgrs
  • enable_local_resource_authz: Turns on authorization for calls to local resources - Kazoo will still track the channel as if it was using a global resource.
  • disable_local_resource_authz: Turns off authorization for calls to local resources - Kazoo is not responsible for limiting calls to these local resources.