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Kazoo Globals Registry

Global registry#

When you need to register a process that is unique across the cluster. Globals will handle finding the pid(), either local on the VM or a pid() that will proxy the request to AMQP.

Starting a new process#

gen_server:start_link({'via', 'kz_globals', YourName}, Module, Function, Args).

Note that YourName can be any Erlang term! Now, you can use gen_server:call({'via', 'kz_globals', YourName}, Payload) to send YourName

Globals API#

  • whereis_name(Name): returns the pid() or 'undefined' registered to Name
  • register_name(Name, Pid): registers Pid under the name Name.
  • unregister_name(Name): unregisters the pid() from Name
  • send(Name, Msg): sends the pid() registered as Name a Msg.

How kz_globals works#

Registering a name#

When client code calls (directly or using {'via', 'kz_globals', Name}) register_name/2, kz_globals will first attempt to locate a pid() already registered:

  1. Check the local ETS table for an existing registration
  2. With no local registration found, kz_globals will issue an AMQP request to register Name with State="pending".
  3. Once responses are collected, check each response's State for a non-pending value. a. If only pending states are found, register the name locally in ETS and advertise the registration to AMQP b. If a State is non-pending, fail the registration back to the client

On the remote side(s)#

  1. Receive an AMQP register payload with State="pending".
  2. Check the local ETS table for the Name a. If not found, reply back to request with State="none" b. If found:
    1. Reply back to request with the value of state in the ETS entry (none, local, remote)
    2. Advertise the registration so all remote nodes can update their local ETS (if needed)

When receiving the advertised registration:

  1. Receive an AMQP register payload with State="local".
  2. Create the #kz_global{} record to point to the remote node
  3. Start a proxy pid() to represent the remote side
  4. Insert the updated #kz_global{} record into the local ETS table


There is a quickcheck model that will test the operation of the registry at core/kazoo_globals/test/kz_globals_pqc.erl.

Compile the core lib with make proper

$ cd path/to/kazoo/core/kz_globals
$ make proper

and in your VM shell, issue:

(> code:add_path("/path/to/kazoo/core/kazoo_globals/test").
(> code:load_file(kz_globals_pqc).
(> proper:quickcheck(kz_globals_pqc:correct()).
OK: Passed 100 test(s).

27% {kz_globals,unregister_name,1}
25% {kz_globals,registered,0}
24% {kz_globals,register_name,2}
22% {kz_globals,whereis_name,1}

You can call kz_globals_pqc:correct_parallel() to run tests in parallel against the kz_globals server.

Do note that you must have a running VM, but these tests are really only designed to run on a single node (non-clustered/federated). The test suite will simulate remote nodes.