
The following are the anticipated scenarios of service changes being made and the resulting charges.

Let’s assume an account tree of:

|- R1
   |- R2
      |- D3
   |- D2
|- D1

Here we have the master account M with two children, R1 (a reseller) and D1 (a direct client). R1, in turn, has two children R2 (another reseller) and D2 (a direct client). Finally, R2 has one child, D3 (a direct client).

It is important to keep in mind not only which account is changing a service quantity but also who is making the change (an account user, reseller user, or master user).


Since M is the master account, it doesn’t really get a service plan applied to it and can do as it pleases. Phew, that was easy.


When M creates R1, it applies a service plan (or several) to the account. Let’s use a super simple service plan (SSSP) that only charges $1 per device. After flagging the account as a reseller (sup kazoo_services_maintenance make_reseller {R1_ACCOUNT_ID}), R1 now make sub-accounts for itself.

R1 makes changes

Now that R1 exists and is a reseller, let’s look at when the R1 admin creates a device and see what should occur.

When attempting the first PUT to devices, Crossbar should return a 402 a payload similar to:

    "data": [
            "items": [
                    "category": "devices",
                    "item": "sip_device",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "billable": 1,
                    "rate": 1,
                    "total": 1,
                    "changes": {
                        "type": "modified",
                        "difference": {
                            "quantity": 1
            "activation_charges": [],
            "taxes": [],
            "summary": {
                "today": 0,
                "recurring": 1
            "plan": {
                "devices": {
                    "sip_device": {
                        "rate": 1
    "error": "402",
    "message": "accept charges",
    "status": "error",
    "node": "zXvZ1MrlEbxaCB926LGDtg",

The payload shows the details of what the change would entail (in absolute terms). If the request is resubmitted with the `accept_charges` flag, and the account is in good standing, the device is created and the services for **R1** are updated.

If another device creation would occur, the 402 response would be:

{ “data”: [ { “items”: [ { “category”: “devices”, “item”: “sip_device”, “quantity”: 2, “billable”: 2, “rate”: 1, “total”: 2, “changes”: { “type”: “modified”, “difference”: { “quantity”: 1 } } } ], “activation_charges”: [], “taxes”: [], “summary”: { “today”: 0, “recurring”: 2 }, “plan”: { “devices”: { “sip_device”: { “rate”: 1 } } } } ], “error”: “402”, “message”: “accept charges”, “status”: “error”, “node”: “zXvZ1MrlEbxaCB926LGDtg”, “request_id”:“{REQUEST_ID}”, “auth_token”:“{AUTH_TOKEN}” }

You can see that the quantity is now 2 for SIP devices.

### **M** makes changes to **R1**

Suppose **M** wants to make a change while masquerading as **R1**. What happens?

Creating device #3 we see that the request is not responded to with a 402 as before. Why? Since the auth account of the request (**M**) is a reseller, the services doc of **M** is used to process the request, and since **M** is the boss, the request is processed and the device saved.

If we get a services summary of **R1**, we see `"sip_device":3` as expected. **R1**, when synced with the bookkeeper, was billed for that third device, so admins of **M** need to be aware when making this service changes.

## **D1**

So what happens to direct accounts of the master account? Again, **M** creates **D1** and assigns the $1 device service plan. Unlike **R1**, **D1** won't be flagged as a reseller.

### **D1** makes changes

Just as when **R1** created its first device, **D1** tries to create the device and gets a 402 response with the summary of what the result would be in terms of service changes.

### **M** makes changes to **D1**

Again, as with **R1**, what **M** wants, **M** gets.

## **D2**

**R1** has signed up their first account, **D2**. This is a normal, direct-client account. No service plan has been assigned to **D2**. Let's see how service changes work!

### **D2** makes changes

When a user from **D2** creates a SIP device, the request is processed right away, since there's no service plan to process for **D2**.

### **R1** makes changes to **D2**

**R1** will be prompted to accept charges. The quantity presented will vary depending on if `"cascade":true` is on the service item.  If present the quantity will reflect the the sum of all instances of that item on the R1 account and all sub-accounts.

## **R2**

**R1** has been given reseller permissions to create their own sub accounts. Through some deal with **M**, **R1** creates a sub account **R2** and instructs **M** to mark **R2** as a reseller. Do note that we haven't assigned a service plan to this account.

### **R2** makes changes

Let's see what happens when **R2** creates its first device!

Interestingly, **R2** is not prompted to accept charges and the device is created. This seems to be a result of not having a service plan associated with **R2** and **R2** being a reseller. Since the change would not result in a charge for **R2** (according to Kazoo), the operation is successful.

### **R1** makes changes to **R2**

When **R1** tries to create a device in **R2**, **R1**'s services are used, a 402 "accept charges" is kicked back with 4 SIP devices as the quantity because **R1** has 3 devices at this point. This doesn't account for **R2**'s existing device because the service plan item for `sip_device` does not include the `"cascade":true` flag. Setting the flag would result in **R2** seeing 5 devices in their dry run synopsis.

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