This document is for an older version of Kazoo (version 4.3) that is no longer supported. You should upgrade and read the current documentation.

Record Call

About Record Call

The record_call callflow enables you to record the audio of the call (typically between two or more callers).


Validator for the Record Call callflow action

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
actionWhether to start or stop the recording`string(‘start''stop’)`starttrue
formatWhat format to store the recording on disk`string(‘mp3''wav’)`false
labelLabel to include in the origin of call recordingstring()false
media_namethe name of mediastring()false
methodHTTP verb to use when sending the recording to the supplied URL`string(‘put''post’)`putfalse
originHow the recording was started - read-onlystring()false
record_min_secThe minimum length, in seconds, the recording must be to be considered successful. Otherwise it is deletedinteger()false
record_on_answerWhether to delay the recording until the channel is answeredboolean()falsefalse
record_on_bridgeWhether to delay the recording until the channel is bridgedboolean()falsefalse
record_sample_rateWhat sampling rate to use on the recordinginteger()false
should_follow_transferIf true, the recording will continue after a transfer on the active legboolean()truefalse
skip_moduleWhen set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any)boolean()false
time_limitTime limit, in seconds, for the recordinginteger()3600false
urlThe URL to use when sending the recording for storagestring()false

Storage of recordings

If you supply a URL in the data portion of the callflow, Kazoo will send an HTTP PUT with the recording to the URL when the recording has finished.

If you omit the URL, there are a couple options for storage:

  • Check system_config/media for the store_recordings boolean()
    • If false, no storage will occur
    • If true, check system_config/media for third_party_bigcouch_host
      • If undefined, store to the Kazoo BigCouch cluster
      • If defined, send the recording to the configured URL

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