This document is for an older version of Kazoo (version 4.3) that is no longer supported. You should upgrade and read the current documentation.

Temporal Route

About Temporal Route

Branch the callflow based on the current date and time when compared to the temporal rule(s) associated with the action.


Validator for the temporal_route callflow data object

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
actionWhat action to perform`string(‘menu''enable''disable''reset’)`
interdigit_timeoutHow long, in milliseconds, to wait for the next keypressinteger()false
rule_setID of the rule setstring()false
rulesList of rule IDs to usearray(string())[]false
skip_moduleWhen set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any)boolean()false
timezoneTimezone to use when processing temporal rulesstring()false

Rule Set

To use a Rule Set in a callflow:

  1. Create your temporal_route module and add the rule_set field to the data payload. The rule_set should be the ID of the document.
  2. Set your first children to be the catch all (using _ for the key).
  3. Set the second one using rule_set.

If one (or more) of the rule in the rule set is satisfied it will got to the children using the rule_set key. If not to the catch all.

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