This document is for an older version of Kazoo (version 4.3) that is no longer supported. You should upgrade and read the current documentation.

Query String Filters


Query string filters allow the API results to be filtered by additional criteria to limit the result set. This is especially useful when querying a collection that could be massive (like CDRs) but you’re only interested in results that match certain criteria.

Available Filters

FilterOperates OnDescription
filter_not_{KEY}{VALUE}Doc include if {KEY} is not {VALUE}
filter_{KEY}{VALUE}Doc included if {KEY} is {VALUE}
has_key{KEY}Doc included if {KEY} is present on the doc
key_missing{KEY}Doc included if {KEY} is not present on the doc
has_value{KEY}Doc included if {KEY} exists and the {VALUE} is non-empty
missing_value{KEY}Doc included if {KEY} is not present or the {VALUE} is empty
created_from{VALUE}Doc included if the created time is greater than or equal to {VALUE} (in Gregorian seconds)
created_to{VALUE}Doc included if the created time is less than or equal to {VALUE} (in Gregorian seconds)
modified_from{VALUE}Doc included if the last-modified time is greater than or equal to {VALUE} (in Gregorian seconds)
modified_to{VALUE}Doc included if the last-modified time is less than or equal to {VALUE} (in Gregorian seconds)


Filters can be used on validated keys (those appearing in the schema) and on custom keys (those included by the caller).

{KEY} can be a dot-delimited string representing a JSON key path. So would match a doc that had {"foo":{"bar":{"baz":1}}} in it.

Multiple Filters

Filters can be chained together on a query string and will be applied as a boolean AND operation. For example, ?filter_foo=1&has_key=bar will look for docs where foo=1 and the key bar exists on the doc.

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