Notification Publisher

To publish a notification reliably to teletype you can use kapps_notify_publisher.

kapps_notify_publisher is wrapper around kz_amqp_worker and kapi_notifications, which publish notification using kz_amqp_worker:call_collect/4, so it waits for response from teletype application (or deprecated notify app) to send back whether or not it sends the notifications. Upon receiving a timeout or error from teletype, the notification payload will be saved in a pending_notifications database to retry to publish later by kz_notify_resender task in Tasks app.


All configuration are in system_config/notify.

should_persist_for_retry and notify_persist_exceptions settings can be set in account level as well.

notify_persist_enabledEnabled persistence of publish notifications failure globallybooleantrue
notify_persist_exceptionsList of notification types have to be ignored to persist if they failed to publisharray["system_alert"]
notify_persist_temporary_force_exceptionsList of notification types have to be ignored temporary globally to persist if they failed to publisharray[]
notify_publisher_timeout_msTimeout in milliseconds when publishing notification using notify publisherinteger10000
should_persist_for_retryEnabled persist of failed to publish notifications for account/systembooleantrue

Enabling/Disabling persisting notification payload

There are two configuration to control whether or not to persist notification payload when it failed to published.

  • notify_persist_enabled is global settings, can be utilized in occasions which you want intentionally disable persistence globally
  • should_persist_for_retry is account level, if you want to disable persistence for a specific account

Disable persistence for specific type of notifications

Some notification are noisy (like deregister, register) and some are can be ignore if they didn’t published, some are both noisy and can be ignore (system_alert).

To control which notification type should be excluded to persist, use these settings:

  • notify_persist_temporary_force_exceptions: can be set in system_config/notify, useful if you want to permanently disable or temporarily ignore some notification type (e.g. you know phones are losing registrations and don’t want to receive their notifications temporarily until the issue is resolved)
  • notify_persist_exceptions: can be set both on the account- and system-level, same as above but allows to control this for a specific account

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