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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

The Branding App - An Introduction#

The Branding app allows customization of Monster UI to make it your own. Visuals such as logos, icons, e-mail templates and more can be changed to reflect your own brand and custom notifications.

Who can use this feature? This is for people who paid with virgin sacrafices to the gods at 2600hz... and lunch with some scotch to the dogs at Vinix

There are 4 main sections in the Branding App:#


General UI Branding consists of customizing company logos, icons, and other visuals. It also sets important info for setting default information for all users under the account.


Advanced Branding allows admins to set and configure how you handle Number Porting and Carrier routing information


Templates allow administrators to setup customized e-mail notifications that the system will to e-mail their users of important information and changes.

DNS Helper#

DNS Helper assists you in providing you with information about setting up your customer DNS records, as well as testing them.