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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

Number Blocking, Blacklisting#

Block calls from certain numbers and anonymous.

Who can use this feature? Blacklisting is available for all platforms including open source. Management Blacklists settings is done by a reseller or account admin.

What You Should Know#

Topic Description
Blacklist Management Where and how to manage numbers to be blacklisted.
Active Blacklists Where to manage what blacklists are active on an account.

Blacklist Management#

Blacklist Manager is found in Callflows app, Blacklist. You can have multiple named blacklists that can be enabled or disabled on an account.

Create a blacklist.#

  1. Click Add.
  2. Give the Blacklist a name
  3. Click Add Number
  4. Add the number desired to be blocked. Format it the way it appears in the Call Log detail, caller_id_number field. (not the way it is displayed in the summary table)

Block Anonymous Calls#

Anonymous calls can be represented many ways in calls. We cannot anticipate all ways but most we can identify and you can block by adding the number "0000000000", (10 zeros) without quotes, as the number to block.

Active Blacklists#

Managing what blacklists are active is done from Callflows app, Account Settings, Blacklists (near bottom of page). After creating a blacklist, it then must be moved to the "Selected" group for it to be active. Don't forget to Update/save.