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KAZOO Support Channels

This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.



API Index#


Get your own MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: master

GET http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Get a specific MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: super_master

GET http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/{MVNO_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Update your own MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: master

POST http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos \
    -d '{ "data": { \
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}", \
        "carriers": { \
            "sprint": { \
                "application_id": "0000000000", \
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno", \
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno", \
                "authentication": { \
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem", \
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer" \
                }, \
                "features": { \
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01", \
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02", \
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03", \
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04", \
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05", \
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06", \
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07", \
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08", \
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09", \
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10", \
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11", \
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12", \
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13", \
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14", \
                    "international": "DUMMY_15", \
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16", \
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17", \
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18", \
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19", \
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20", \
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21", \
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22", \
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23" \
                }, \
                "defaults": { \
                    "features": [ \
                        "sip", \
                        "mms", \
                        "international", \
                        "lte" \
                    ], \
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01" \
                }, \
                "porting": { \
                    "staleness_threshold": 10 \
                } \
            }, \
            "dummy": { \
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "whatever"
            } \
        } \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "whatever"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Update a specific MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: super_master

POST http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/{MVNO_ID}

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/{MVNO_ID} \
    -d '{ "data": { \
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}", \
        "carriers": { \
            "sprint": { \
                "application_id": "0000000000", \
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno", \
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno", \
                "authentication": { \
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem", \
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer" \
                }, \
                "features": { \
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01", \
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02", \
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03", \
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04", \
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05", \
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06", \
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07", \
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08", \
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09", \
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10", \
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11", \
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12", \
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13", \
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14", \
                    "international": "DUMMY_15", \
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16", \
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17", \
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18", \
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19", \
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20", \
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21", \
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22", \
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23" \
                }, \
                "defaults": { \
                    "features": [ \
                        "sip", \
                        "mms", \
                        "international", \
                        "lte" \
                    ], \
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01" \
                }, \
                "porting": { \
                    "staleness_threshold": 10 \
                } \
            }, \
            "dummy": { \
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "whatever"
            } \
        } \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "whatever"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Patch your own MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: master

PATCH http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/ \
    -d '{ \
        "data": { \
            "carriers": { \
                "dummy": { \
                    "some_dummy_carrier_property": "something else"
                } \
            } \
        }, \
        "recursive": true \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "something else"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

Patch a specific MVNO document#

Required Authentication Level: super_master

PATCH http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/{MVNO_ID}

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Kazoo-Cluster-ID: {CLUSTER_ID}" \
    http://{SERVER}:{PORT}/v2/mvnos/{MVNO_ID} \
    -d '{ \
        "data": { \
            "carriers": { \
                "dummy": { \
                    "some_dummy_carrier_property": "something else"
                } \
            } \
        }, \
        "recursive": true \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": {
        "id": "dummy_mvno",
        "cluster_id": "{CLUSTER_ID}",
        "carriers": {
            "sprint": {
                "application_id": "0000000000",
                "application_user_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "consumer_id": "dummy_mvno",
                "authentication": {
                    "pem_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.pem",
                    "cer_file": "dummy_mvno.sprint.cer"
                "features": {
                    "mms": "DUMMY_01",
                    "mo_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_02",
                    "parental_controls": "DUMMY_03",
                    "lte": "DUMMY_04",
                    "voice_blocking": "DUMMY_05",
                    "outgoing_call_blocking": "DUMMY_06",
                    "incoming_call_blocking": "DUMMY_07",
                    "sip": "DUMMY_08",
                    "voice_authentication_bypass": "DUMMY_09",
                    "home_office_link_no_answer": "DUMMY_10",
                    "home_office_link_busy": "DUMMY_11",
                    "ccf_busy_no_answer": "DUMMY_12",
                    "sms_blocking": "DUMMY_13",
                    "mt_sms_blocking": "DUMMY_14",
                    "international": "DUMMY_15",
                    "caller_id_blocking": "DUMMY_16",
                    "hotline": "DUMMY_17",
                    "tethering": "DUMMY_18",
                    "throttle_64": "DUMMY_19",
                    "throttle_128": "DUMMY_20",
                    "throttle_256": "DUMMY_21",
                    "throttle_512": "DUMMY_22",
                    "block_data": "DUMMY_23"
                "defaults": {
                    "features": [
                    "plan": "DUMMY_PLAN_01"
                "porting": {
                    "staleness_threshold": 10
            "dummy": {
                "some_dummy_carrier_property": "something else"
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"