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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.


Understanding the different parts of the Config file#

In Tower of Power, a config.json file is required at the root of the project. A sample named config.json.dist can be found at the root of the project, but it will need to be updated with environment-specific values. Below is a description of the different properties that may be set in the Config file.


A database section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"host" "" Yes The IP address of the database.
"port" 5984 Yes The Port to access the database.
"clusters_db" "kazoo_clusters" Yes The name of the clusters db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).
"mvnos_db" "mvnos" Yes The name of the mvnos db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).
"ports_db" "number_ports" Yes The name of the ports db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).
"unknown_usage_db" "unknown_numbers_usage" Yes The name of the unknown data usage db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).
"blocked_devices_db" "blocked_devices" Yes The name of the blocked devices db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).
"throttled_devices_db" "throttled_devices" Yes The name of the throttled devices db (the -top suffix will be added automatically).

A log section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"log_type" "file" Yes The type of logging ("file" or "syslog") to use. TOP should use file logs.
"log_file" "/var/log/towerofpower/top.log" Yes The full path of the log file used for general logging in TOP.
"public_api_log_file" "/var/log/towerofpower/public_api.log" Yes The full path of the log file used for public API logging in TOP.

A mailer section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"default_from" "noreply@{{hostname}}" Yes The default "from" address to be used for emails sent by TOP.
"default_to" "" Yes The default "to" address to be used for emails sent by TOP.
"default_cc" "/var/log/towerofpower/public_api.log" No The default "cc" address(es) to be used for emails sent by TOP. Can be set as a string or array of strings.
"default_bcc" "/var/log/towerofpower/public_api.log" No The default "bcc" address(es) to be used for emails sent by TOP. Can be set as a string or array of strings.
"smtp_info" Object No An object containing the SMTP server info to be used for emails sent by TOP. If not specified, the php mail function will be used. The required fields below are only required if this field is specified.
"" "" Yes The address of the SMTP server to be used
"smtp_info.port" "0000" Yes The port of the SMTP server to be used
"smtp_info.username" "username" Yes The username used for authentication with the SMTP server
"smtp_info.password" "password" Yes The password used for authentication with the SMTP server
"smtp_info.encryption" "tls" No The encryption type of the SMTP server. Accepted values are "tls" and "ssl". If not specified, default value will be "tls".
"t_mobile_cancellations" Object Yes An object containing the email addresses to use for T-Mobile cancellation emails.
"t_mobile_cancellations.from" "" Yes The "from" address, it may need to be the same as the smtp username depending on how the server is configured
"" "" Yes The "to" address, which should be the sensitek support team, who deals with cancellation.
"" [] No The "cc" address.
"t_mobile_cancellations.bcc" [""] Yes The "bcc" address, should be set to our cancellation distribution list, so we can keep track of sent requests.
"t_mobile_cancellations.reply_to" "" Yes The "reply-to" address, should be set to our cancellation distribution list.

Note: All email addresses above can use macros. Currently, the only existing macro is {{hostname}}.


A kazoo section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"master_cluster_id" "8a901bea1d3297ef7d4c8d34809472c2" Yes The ID of the master kazoo cluser. This will be used for super_master authentication and various scripts.

An encryption section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"secret" "def0000069be2e06492675526726ff87e3b84b903b0dedc1c5204852ef42b119caff024fd6149fa233b70c74c27bcba0af0c0087149b03aa65ec88139aeafc042c6fd2c0" Yes The "secret" used to encrypt the API Key in the Cluster document (See Cluster documentation).

A porting section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"staleness_threshold" 14 Yes The number of days after which a non-resolved port request will be marked as "stale". This is a default value that can be overriden at the MVNO level (See MVNO documentation).

A billing section is required, containing the following fields:

Property Value Required Description
"data_bucket_price" 0.99 Yes The price of a 100MB "bucket" to be used by the billing system. This is the base amount used to bill accounts on kazoo via the ledgers API.
"apply_data_caps" true Yes A flag determining whether or not data caps set on accounts and devices will actually be applied. If set to false, no device will get blocked/throttled when reaching their respective cap. However, an email alert will still be sent either way.