Kazoo AMQP

  1. Maintaining connections to brokers
  2. Creating exchanges, queues, bindings
  3. Publishing messages
  4. gen_listener behaviour for message reception

Erlang App Architecture

The application’s main supervisor, kz_amqp_sup starts the following children:



Maintains an ETS table for AMQP connections.


Supervisor for processes that manage a single AMQP connection.


Starts a connection process.

On init, assumes the connection is disconnected.

When disconnecting
  1. If the connection is available, flags the connection as unavailable in kz_amqp_connections
  2. If the connection has a channel reference (a monitor ref to the amqp_client’s channel process), demonitor the ref
  3. If the connection has a channel process (the amqp_client channel process), send that PID a close message
  4. If the connection has a connection reference (a monitor ref tot he amqp_client’s connection process), demonitor the ref
  5. If the connection has a connection process (the amqp_client connection process, close the connection
  6. If the connection pre-initializes channels, set to false (not pre-initialized yet)
  7. Spawn and monitor a reconnect PID to send a connect message to the kz_amqp_connection process.
When connecting
  1. If the connection is not available, try to start (via amqp_connection:start/1) the AMQP connection. a. If a failure occurs, go to disconnected/2 (see When Disconnecting)
  2. Monitor the amqp_client connection PID
  3. Register as the blocked handler (for connection.blocked and connection.unblocked messages)
  4. Cancel the reconnect ref (see When disconnecting #7)
  5. Create the control channel a. set self as the default consumer of the channel b. monitor the amqp_client channel PID
  6. Declare any pre-defined AMQP exchanges
  7. Mark connection as available in kz_amqp_connections
  8. Initialize pre-channels a. Add each channel to kz_amqp_assignments


Manages listener_federator processes (which are gen_listeners) that connect to federated (non-local) brokers.


Creates an ETS table to track AMQP channel assignments.

An assignment tracks:

  • The timstamp of the assignment
  • The consumer PID (typically the KAZOO PID, like a gen_listener process)
  • The KAZOO application of the consumer PID (if possible)
  • The type of channel
    • float channels will be created on whichever broker is available at the time
    • sticky channels will only be created on the specified broker when it is available
  • The amqp_client channel PID
  • The amqp_client connection PID
  • The broker URI
  • The assigned timestamp
  • reconnect boolean if reconnecting the assignment
  • watchers - set of consumer processes waiting on a channel, notified when they get assigned a channel


  1. Reads AMQP config from config.ini
  2. For each {Zone, Brokers} section, ask kz_amqp_connections to add {Broker, Zone} connections
  3. Block in init/1 until kz_amqp_connections:wait_for_available/0 returns a. This waits until a primary broker (zone = ‘local’) is connected
  4. Create the targeted exchange

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