Kazoo Auth Password

By default Kazoo is not enforcing a secure password. This can be change per system configuration or per account.

The enforce is implemented as a list of regular expressions. Each regular expression should return a match. Non match means the regex is rejecting the password as it is not secure.

Password strength configuration

There are a couple of configurations to control this password strength enforcer:

  • Enabling password strength enforcer:
    • Enabling globally:
      • sup kapps_config set_boolean auth.password should_enforce_strength true
    • Enabling per reseller/account:
      • sup kapps_account_config set {RESELLER_OR_ACCOUNT_ID} auth.password should_enforce_strength true
    • To disable use same command but set it to false
  • Preventing setting the same old password:
    • If you need to force users to not use the same password again
    • Enabling globally:
      • sup kapps_config set_boolean auth.password should_prevent_reuse true
    • Enabling per reseller/account:
      • sup kapps_account_config set {RESELLER_OR_ACCOUNT_ID} auth.password should_prevent_reuse true
    • To disable use same command but set it to false
  • Password strength regular expressions
    • This setting is JSON object you need to set this setting directly in CouchDB or use Erlang shell.
    • Config key: strength_regexes
    • Config doc id:
      • For global: database system_config and doc id is auth.password
      • For per reseller/account: database is the reseller/account database and doc id is configs_auth.password

If you change the CouchDB doc directly don’t forget to flush the cache or if you changed an account directly:

sup kapps_config flush auth.password
sup kapps_account_config flush {ACCOUNT_ID} auth.password

Regular Expressions for Password Strength

The JSON object structure is like this:

    "{REGEX_NAME}": {
        "regex": "{REGEX}",
        "message": "{MESSAGE}"


  • REGEX_NAME: a short name for regex
  • REGEX: this is the regex that should match. If no match, it adds an error to list and reject the password
  • `MESSAGE”: This is a short error message to return to the user explaining why the password is being rejected.

Default Regular Expressions

  "strength_regexes": {
    "minimum_length": {
      "regex": "^.{10,}$",
        "message": "minimum password length is 10 characters"
      "lower_case": {
        "regex": "[a-z]",
        "message": "at least one lower case character is required"
      "upper_case": {
        "regex": "[A-Z]",
        "message": "at least one upper case character is required"
      "digit": {
        "regex": "[0-9]",
        "message": "at least one digit is required"
      "special": {
        "regex": "[-_.,<>!?@#$%^&*=+(){}[\\]/\\\\|;:'\"]",
        "message": "at least one special character is required"

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