KAZOO AMQP Event Pools

Provides a way for the KAZOO node to bind for common AMQP events and distribute locally versus every app or process bindings for them.

For instance, call events are used by many apps, each of which may be running on the same VM together. Rather than having a CHANNEL_CREATE delivered N times to the node, have it be delivered once from the broker and use internal Erlang messaging (via gproc) to distribute the payload.

This limits using up AMQP channels, which have a hard-coded limit of 2047, by allowing apps to not instantiate dynamic gen_listener processes (say per-call or per-agent) which would approach the limit.

Event bindings

At the time of writing, the supported bindings are:

  • call events
  • configuration events (doc change events)
  • presence (updates and dialog events)

Erlang Architecture


      --> kz_event_listeners_sup
                 --> [kz_event_listener_sup
                              --> [kz_event_listener,...]

Simple supervisor tree where the kz_event_listeners_sup starts as a SOFO supervisor with kz_event_listener_sup as its childspec. Once a KAZOO app (or process) uses a kz_events:bind* function, the kz_events_listeners_sup will start a kz_event_listener_sup supervisor to then start the gen_listener pool.

Apps can programmatically start the pool of listeners at startup as well.

Worker count

You can configure how many gen_listener workers are started in two ways: per-event-type or single default count. Check the kazoo_events system_config document:

%% default count

%% per-event-type count

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