Kazoo File Format Converter Library

The Kazoo converter provides a core library for converting file formats.


The converters used to execute file conversions are modular, modules can be enabled via configuration. This core library is intended to be extended to include multiple types of conversions and formats and be easily extendable by supporting selection of which modules to use via the system_config/kazoo_convert document. Currently only fax conversions are done via the converter. But there are many other types of file conversions going on in Kazoo. Stay tuned…

Fax Converter

The fax converter module by default use the module fax_converter. For a description of how the default fax converter fax_converter works, and information about the system commands used in fax file conversions, see the fax converter documentation.


The v2/system_configs/kazoo_convert configuration parameters are used to enable features and define commands to use for conversion operations.

KeyDescriptionTypeDefaultRequiredSupport Level
fax.convert_command_timeoutThe timeout value for file conversioninteger()120000false
fax.convert_image_commandThe command to resample a tiff file to a fax compatible format or convert a supported image/* format to a tiffstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.convert_openoffice_commandThe command to convert open office documents to pdfstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.convert_pdf_commandThe command to convert pdf documents to tiffstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.convert_tiff_commandThe command to convert a tiff file to PDFstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.resample_image_commandThe command to convert an image file to a faxable tiff formatstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.large_tiff_commandThe command to convert an oversized tiff file to a fax compatible formatstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.small_tiff_commandThe command to convert an undersized tiff file to a fax compatible formatstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.enable_openofficeEnables the conversion of openoffice compatible documentsboolean()truefalse
fax_converterModule to use for fax related file conversionsstring()fax_converterfalse
fax.serialize_openofficeSerializes openoffice compatible document conversionsboolean()truefalse
fax.validate_pdf_commandVerifies a PDF file is validstring()see fax_converter docfalse
fax.validate_tiff_commandVerifies a TIFF file is validstring()see fax_converter docfalse
file_cache_pathThe working directory to use when converting filesstring()/tmp/false
attachment_formatFormat to use for receipt email messages and api responsesstring()pdffalse

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