SUP Commands for Kazoo UI Application Maintenance

This is SUP command maintenance module to work specifically with new Kazoo UI Application document.

For old legacy maintenance commands please refer to Kazoo Document Maintenance.


Initializing or Refreshing Apps

NOTE These commands are only for legacy proposes, we recommend to use the API to initialize or refresh UI apps metadata or use 2600Hz Marketplace

This is simple version of the old init_apps but for new UI application docs. It will search a path to find apps to read its metadata/app.json file. Then for each metadata found it will check the master account db and either create the new doc if it is missing or merge and update it. It also deletes and re-upload all images (icon and screenshots).

NOTE Please note that new app.json requires uuid field. This is a unique ID for the app across all platforms. 2600Hz Marketplace will generate a universal unique ID for the app.

  • init_apps/1,2: equivalent of calling refresh_apps/1,2
  • init_app/1,2: equivalent of calling refresh_app/1,2
  • refresh_apps/1,2: search for all apps under the AppsPath, calling refresh_app/2 for each app
  • refresh_apps/1,2: will read the app’s metadata and either create or update it in account db

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