Global Resources
Creating carriers to route outbound calls has never been easier! A single doc for each carrier inside the offnet/ database will make a carrier available to all customers. (Individual customers can optionally set their own carriers in the APIs or via a GUI)
The base doc is pretty simple at this level. Just create a new doc:
{_id: random_doc_id, name:my carrier}
A Carrier
Defining a carrier for the system is relatively simple. The keys required are enabled
, flag
, weight_cost
, route
, and gateway
// toggles whether the carrier is to be included when deciding how to route an outbound call.
// a list of features a carrier supports (like CName). This list is matched against a Client DID’s options; if all of the features in a DID’s options list exist in the carrier’s flags, the carrier is kept in the available routes; otherwise it is removed from contention.
, when multiple carriers are available to route a call, weight_cost
allows you to assign which is preferred (by giving it a lower weight). So if you have a primary carrier, assign it 1 (it will be used first).
// is a list of regular expressions for matching E.164-formatted (+12223334444) DIDs. A sample regex to match all E.164 numbers:
You can add regexes for specific area codes, toll-free, E911, and international numbers. The first capture group is what is used to pass in the bridge URI (in the example, the 10-digit number will be passed to the gateways).
// a list of gateways provided by the carrier that will handle the routes matched by the regex(s).
// an optional field that can toggle how CallerID is passed to the carrier. Potential values are rpid
, pid
, and from (corresponding to Remote Party ID, P-*-Identity headers, and From).
// an optional object of formatting instructions for inbound requests from the carrier.
{_id:5bbc699c76df9da56363233dcc1214bd, pvt_type:resource, name:Some Carrier, enabled:true, flags:[ ],
weight_cost: 30,
rules: [^\\+1(\\d{10})$],
gateways: [... see below ...],
grace_period: 5,
formatters: {request: [ {regex: ^\\+?1?\\d{6}(\\d{4})$,
prefix: ,suffix: }]}
## Gateways
Each gateway has a simple configuration that offers enough flexibility for most carriers.
The only two required fields are server and enabled, but a host of other parameters are available to tweak the setup:
`server` // hostname or IP of the gateway
`enabled` // is this gateway available to route over.
`username` // if the gateway requires a username
`password` // if the gateway requires a password
`prefix` // if the gateway requires a prefix on the capture group from the succeeding regex
`suffix` // if the gateway requires a suffix on the capture group
`codecs` // a list of codecs to constrain the carrier to during negotiation
`progress_timeout` // the number of seconds to wait for the gateway to connect the call before failing to the next gateway
To clarify the prefix/suffix/capture group, the route sent to the switch will be built as follows:
`DID +12223334444` is being called, and the above `regex` is matched. The capture group becomes `2223334444`. If prefix or suffix are not set, they default to, the empty string. The resulting INVITE will look like `PREFIXcapture_groupSUFFIX@SERVER` where the text in caps correspond to the fields above.
gateways: [ {server: ,username:myacctid ,password:12345 ,prefix:1717 ,suffix:codecs: [ G729, PCMU, … ] ,progress_timeout: 8 // 8 seconds ,enabled: true } ]
## Bringing it together
Here's the stitched-together carriers document:
{_id: 5bbc699c76df9da56363233dcc1214bd
,name:Some Carrier
,enabled: true
,flags: [
,weight_cost: 3
,rules: [^\\+1(\\d{10}) ]
,gateways: [
,password: password
,codecs: [ ]
,enabled: true
,grace_period: 5
,formatters: {request: [ {regex: ^\\+?1?\\d{6}(\\d{4})$
A carrier is defined. The first has a route that matches E.164 numbers (so US numbers only). The second carrier will match any number starting with 011 or any number that starts with +2-9 (not +1XXXX…, so no US numbers).