SUP-able functions
Function | Arguments | Description |
enable_account_hooks/1 | (AccountId) | |
enable_descendant_hooks/1 | (AccountId) | |
failure_status/0 | ||
failure_status/1 | (Account) | |
flush_account_failures/1 | (AccountId) | |
flush_hook_failures/2 | (AccountId,HookId) | |
hooks_configured/0 | All webhooks that are active to fire HTTP events | |
hooks_configured/1 | (AccountId) | All webhooks, within the account, that are active to fire HTTP events |
register_views/0 | ||
reset_hook_definition/1 | `(Hook) | (_)` |
reset_hook_definitions/0 | ||
set_disable_threshold/1 | (Count) | |
set_disable_threshold/2 | (Account,Count) | |
set_failure_expiry/1 | (Expires) | |
set_failure_expiry/2 | (Account,Expires) | |
start_module/1 | (ModuleBin) | Force a webhook module to initialize and add AMQP bindings and responders |
See what hooks are active
This will display all hooks, or only hooks for the account provided, that are currently being processed.
sup webhooks_maintenance hooks_configured [{ACCOUNT_ID}]
| http://dev.null/calls/new.php | post | CHANNEL_CREATE | 3 | {ACCOUNT_ID} |
| http://dev.null/calls/done.php | post | CHANNEL_DESTROY | 3 | {ACCOUNT_ID} |
Protect against abuse
Set the Failure Expiry Timeout
Webhooks will track how many times a given hook has failed to fire to the configured URI. This expiry determines how long webhooks holds onto the failure before considering it irrelevant. The number of failures over a given time period will determine if a hook is auto-disabled.
- System-wide:
sup webhooks_maintenance set_failure_expiry {MILLISECONDS}
- Account-specific:
sup webhooks_maintenance set_failure_expiry {ACCOUNT_ID} {MILLISECONDS}
Set the Auto-Disable Threshold
Set how many failures are considered too many and auto-disable a hook.
- System-wide:
sup webhooks_maintenance set_disable_threshold {COUNT}
- Account-specific:
sup webhooks_maintenance set_disable_threshold {ACCOUNT_ID} {COUNT}
How it works
Once you’ve set the expiry
and threshold
, webhooks will check every expiry
milliseconds for hook failure counts. If any hooks have a count over threshold
, they will be auto-disabled.
For instance, using the defaults of expiry = 60000
(one minute) and threshold = 6
, if a hook fails to fire to the configured URI 6 times or more in the last minute, it will be auto-disabled until an API request to set “enabled” to true
is performed.
Monitor the situation
You can see the current failure counts for each hook:
sup webhooks_maintenance failure_status [{ACCOUNT_ID}]
| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----- |
| Account | Hook | Count |
| {ACCOUNT_ID} | {HOOK_ID} | 4 |
| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----- |
Re-enable hooks
If hooks are disabled in an account due to failures, an admin can bulk-update the hooks to be enabled again.
sup webhooks_maintenance enable_account_hooks {ACCOUNT_ID}
Similarly, enable all hooks for an account and its descendants:
sup webhooks_maintenance enable_descendant_hooks {ACCOUNT_ID}
Note: this will only enable those hooks which have been auto-disabled by the system, not manually disabled via API.
Flush failure counts
Webhooks tracks the number of times a hook fails to be sent, auto-disabling the hook after a threshold is hit. You can reset those failure counts:
sup webhooks_maintenance flush_account_failures {ACCOUNT_ID}
sup webhooks_maintenance flush_hook_failures {ACCOUNT_ID} {HOOK_ID}