SUP Command

  1. We created the sup command (previously the command_bridge) to make it easier to diagnose common configuration issues, as well as stop and start applications.

  2. Get the configured kapps for this node: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_config get kapps_controller kapps

  3. Get the currently running kapps: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_controller running_apps

  4. Get list of FreeSWITCH nodes that ecallmgr is configured to connect to: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_config get fs_nodes

  5. Get list of FreeSWITCH nodes that ecallmgr is connected to: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance list_fs_nodes

  6. Restart a WhAapp on a remote host: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -h -c change_me kapps_controller restart_app crossbar

  7. Check the running kapps on a remote host: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -h -c change_me kapps_controller running_apps

  8. Check which AMQP host this server is connected to: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup amqp_mgr get_host

  9. Flush the kapps_config cache: (in case you modified some settings such as FS nodes) /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_config flush

  10. You can also use this command for any document in the system_config database, for example: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_config flush number_manager

  11. Flush the ecallmgr_config cache:(in case you modified some settings such as FS nodes)/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_config flush

  12. Add FS nodes to ecallmgr: This command adds a FreeSWITCH node to the currently running ecallmgr, but it does not update the persistent configuration: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node

  13. Migrate (update) database documents: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -t 3600 kapps_maintenance migrate

  14. Flush kazoo_apps couch cache: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kazoo_couch_maintenance flush

  15. Restart conference WhApp: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_controller restart_app conference

  16. Stop the kazoo_apps Erlang VM: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup erlang halt or /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n kazoo_apps erlang halt

  17. Stop the ecallmgr Erlang VM: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr erlang halt

  18. Alias the sup command: (for the user you are logged as) /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/

  19. Lookup an account via the realm: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_maintenance find_account_by_realm

  20. Lookup an account via the phone number: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_maintenance find_account_by_number 4158867900

  21. Find out which carrier will be used for a DID: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup stepswitch_maintenance process_number 4158867900

  22. Flush the wh_cache (to refresh the schemas for example): /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup wh_cache flush

  23. Manually create the first account on a Kazoo system:( change the values for ACCOUNT_NAME, REALM, USERNAME, PASSWORD) /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_maintenance create_account ACCOUNT_NAME REALM USERNAME PASSWORD

  24. Reload stepswitch to update carriers manually: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup stepswitch_maintenance reload_resources

  25. Reload a module: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_maintenance start_module cb_braintree

  26. List all crossbar running modules: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_maintenance running_modules

  27. List crossbar bindings: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup crossbar_bindings modules_loaded

  28. Refresh kapps after update: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_maintenance refresh(kapps_maintenance refresh can not be done in some circumstances from the foreground, it will try to output status info to a shell that has already closed and will error. The command is valid but not via sup if the command needs to output data. Use blocking_refresh)

  29. Blocking Refresh kapps: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kapps_maintenance blocking_refresh

  30. Increase the log level for kapps: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kazoo_maintenance syslog_level debug

  31. Increase the log level for ecallmgr: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr kazoo_maintenance syslog_level debug You can use any of the syslog severity levels to change what is logged.

  32. Show the nodes sharing the same Rabbitmq: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kazoo_maintenance nodes

  33. Display Registrations status: /opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance registrar_summary  

sup kazoo_amqp_maintenance primary_broker

sup kazoo_amqp_maintenance broker_summary

sup kazoo_amqp_maintenance connection_summary


Manipulate the ACLs

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance allow_carrier CarrierName CarrierIP

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance allow_carrier CarrierName CIDR

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance allow_sbc SBCName SBCIP 

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance deny_carrier CarrierName CarrierIP 

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance deny_sbc SBCName SBCIP 

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance remove_acl CarrierName|SBCName

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance carrier_acls list_acls

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance sbc_acls list_acls

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance reload_acls -issues a reloadacl on all **FreeSWITCH** servers 

sup -necallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance flush_acls -just flushes the caches, not **FreeSWITCH**

Flush all cached docs for all accounts:

/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup couch_mgr flush_cache_docs

Flush all cached docs for a specific account:

/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup couch_mgr flush_cache_docs account%2Fab%2Fcd%2Fefghi

/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup couch_mgr flush_cache_docs accounts

FOR DEVELOPMENT TESTING: Hot load (no restart needed) a minor code change. Example for a change to file:

/opt/kazoo/applications/jonny5/src/j5_limits.erl`: `cd /opt/kazoo/applications/jonny5/make

/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup kazoo_maintenance hotload j5_limits
# changed source file without path or extension.

Make an account a reseller account. Be careful with this. It affects all it’s children and grandchildren, etc… Experement in a test account tree of accounts:

sup kazoo_services_maintenance make_reseller account_id/561759210xxxxxxx