CentOs Manual Install



CentOS / RedHat

yum install -y make ncurses-devel.x86_64 openssl.x86_64 openssl-devel.x86_64 gcc gcc-c++.x86_64 java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64 unixODBC-devel.x86_64

**Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install make libncurses5-dev libssl-dev gcc g++ openjdk-6-jdk unixodbc-dev

Installing from sources:

Download R14B03(R14B01 at a minimum):

wget http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_R15B03-1.tar.gz -P /usr/src/

Unpack and install it:

tar -C /opt/ -zxf /usr/src/otp_src_R15B03-1.tar.gz
cd /opt/otp_src_R15B03-1/
./configure && make && make install

Only UnixODBC-Devel package is mentioned as it will also check and install UnixODBC package if needed

Install AMQP


See Installing Erlang


CentOS / RedHat

yum install -y hg libxslt python python-devel python-simplejson.x86_64 zip unzip

Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install -y mercurial libxslt1-dev xsltproc python python-dev python-simplejson zip

Installing from source - download from Mercurial

hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-codegen /opt/rabbitmq-codegen
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-server /opt/rabbitmq-server/
cd /opt/rabbitmq-server/ && make

Modify the following files by replacing ‘sname’ to ‘name’:

sed -i 's/sname/name/g' /opt/rabbitmq-server/scripts/rabbitmqctl  
sed -i 's/sname/name/g' /opt/rabbitmq-server/scripts/rabbitmq-server

Create rabbitmq-env.conf (replacing YOUR_NODENAME by your hostname):

mkdir -p /etc/rabbitmq/
echo "NODENAME=rabbit@YOUR_NODENAME" > /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf

Install the RabbitMQ Erlang client (replace the XXXXXXXXXXXX by the actual directory name):

wget http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-erlang-client/archive/tip.tar.gz -P /usr/src/
tar -C /opt/ -zxf /usr/src/tip.tar.gz
cd /opt/rabbitmq-erlang-client-XXXXXXXXXXXX/
launch it
cd /opt/rabbitmq-server/scripts/
./rabbitmq-server -detached

*If it complains about '''ERROR: epmd error for host …''', make sure your hostname is in your /etc/hosts.

Check Status

/opt/rabbitmq-server/scripts/rabbitmqctl status
/opt/rabbitmq-server/scripts/rabbitmqctl list_users

ensure RabbitMQ server stays up before proceeding further. Issues related to RabbitMQ startup and constant core-dumps can sometimes be resolved by ensuring /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/ is clean.

Installing BigCouch



CentOS / RedHat

yum install -y git js-devel libicu libicu-devel openssl openssl-devel python python-devel CentOS / RedHat 6

Add the EPEL repo:

rpm -i http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
yum install -y js js-devel

Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install -y git-core nodejs-dev libicu-dev openssl libssl-dev python python-dev libtool xulrunner-dev

or follow instructions here for dependencies.

We also need cURL:

wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.20.1.tar.gz -P /usr/src/
tar -xzf /usr/src/curl-7.20.1.tar.gz -C /usr/src/
cd /usr/src/curl-7.20.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && make install

Installing from source

Download the code from Github:

git clone git://github.com/cloudant/bigcouch.git /opt/bigcouch
cd /opt/bigcouch/
./configure -p /opt/bigcouch && make dev

The make dev target will build a three-node cluster under the rel/ directory. The following steps are used for demonstrating BigCOUCH cluster situation. Refer to the local development couch section at http://bigcouch.cloudant.com/develop. If the git complains of an SSL certificate problem, prepend the command with env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true The command would then be:

env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone git://github.com/cloudant/bigcouch.git /opt/bigcouch


env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true ./configure -p /opt/bigcouch

Edit “/opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/etc/default.ini” by replacing “YOUR_IP_ADDRESS” with the machine IP address in the following command:

sed -i -e 's/' /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/etc/default.ini

Add bind_address = at the end of the chttpd section, it should look like this:

port = 15984
backlog = 512
docroot = /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/share/www
bind_address =

Do the same for /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev2/etc/default.ini /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev3/etc/default.ini including the chttpd section

For a SINGLE Server setup, single interface setup, these IPs can be set to to prevent “connection refused” messages by not knowing what IP to point to

Update the BigCOUCH vm.args for each dev instance so -noinput reads detached

sed -i 's/noinput/detached/' /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/etc/vm.args
sed -i 's/noinput/detached/' /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev2/etc/vm.args
sed -i 's/noinput/detached/' /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev3/etc/vm.args

Launching BigCouch:

/opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/bin/bigcouch &
/opt/bigcouch/rel/dev2/bin/bigcouch &
/opt/bigcouch/rel/dev3/bin/bigcouch &

Tell each Node about each other:

curl localhost:15986/nodes/dev2@ -X PUT -d '{}'
curl localhost:15986/nodes/dev3@ -X PUT -d '{}'

This is a one-time step to enable the nodes to replicate amongst themselves.

Admin Port
dev1	15984	15986
dev2	25984	25986
dev3	35984	35986

Setup and Configure HAProxy

Install HAProxy:

yum install -y haproxy

Add the following at the end of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:

listen  bccluster
    balance roundrobin
    server  bccluster1 check
    server  bccluster2 check
    server  bccluster3 check
listen  bccluster_admin
    balance roundrobin
    server  bccluster1 check
    server  bccluster2 check
    server  bccluster3 check
Check the configuration file syntax:
`aproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -c`

Start **HAProxy**:
`haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg`

Start **HAProxy** automatically:
`chkconfig haproxy on`

You can test your **BigCouch** by issuing the following `curl` command:

This one will test if the nodes have been linked properly -
This one will show the databases you have, which should be empty now, but it can be useful later:

Note: Only IF **BigCouch** complains about not finding `libcurl.so.4` and DOES NOT run properly , here is how to fix it:
`yum install -y curl-devel
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4 /usr/lib64/`
These instructions apply if you see something similar to this in the logs (/opt/bigcouch/rel/dev[123]/var/log/bigcouch.log)

[Wed, 01 Jun 2011 21:33:08 GMT] [error] [<0.1188.0>] [0378f40b] OS Process Error <0.1539.0> :: {os_process_error,{exit_status,127}} [Wed, 01 Jun 2011 21:33:08 GMT] [info] [<0.101.0>] [--------] couch_proc_manager <0.1520.0> died normal

or you can run the couchjs process and if you see output similar to the following:

bigcouch@localhost:~# /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/bin/couchjs /opt/bigcouch/rel/dev1/bin/couchjs: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

## Common errors

**WhApps won't start with the following error:

{“init terminating in do_boot”,{{case_clause,{error,{shutdown,{whistle_couch_app,start,[normal,[]]}}}},[{whistle_apps,ensure_started,1},{whistle_apps,start,0},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}

This is generally caused because Whistle can't reach your **BigCouch** nodes. Things to ensure:

Your `$WHISTLE/lib/whistle_couch/priv/startup.config` is pointing to your **HAProxy** IP/Ports (usually 5984 and 5986).

Your **HAProxy** IPs for the **BigCouch** nodes match what's in your **BigCouch** etc/default.ini (or etc/local.ini) bind_address / port.

Test, using `curl`, both **HAProxy**'s IP/Ports and each **BigCouch** nodes' IP/Ports that they return a **JSON** string.
Check **BigCouch**'s default.ini for `bind_address =`. If you're having issues connecting to this host from the **HAProxy** server, change the `bind_address` IP to the IP **HAProxy** is trying to connect on. Any changes to the configs require a restart of the corresponding service.

## Install FreeSWITCH

*This guide is based on the official **FreeSWITCH** installation Guide*


See Installing **Erlang**


**CentOS / RedHat**
```yum install -y git gcc gcc-c++.x86_64 ncurses-devel.x86_64 autoconf automake libtool libjpeg-devel sox libvorbis libvorbis-devel libogg libogg-devel

CentOS / RedHat 6

yum install -y patch

Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install -y git-core gcc g++ ncurses-base ncurses-bin autoconf libjpeg8-dev libtool sox libcurl4-openssl-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev

Installing from sources

Fetch the latest code from the FreeSWITCH git repo:

git clone git://git.freeswitch.org/freeswitch.git /usr/src/freeswitch

Note that it is recommend to get code from [https://github.com/2600hz/FreeSWITCH]


cd /usr/src/freeswitch


#formats/mod_shout", "#event_handlers/mod_erlang_event" and "#formats/mod_shout" from "modules.conf"
sed -i -e 's|#formats/mod_shout|formats/mod_shout|g' -e 's|#event_handlers/mod_erlang_event|event_handlers/mod_erlang_event|g' -e 's|#formats/mod_shout|formats/mod_shout|g' modules.conf

Run the configure script and compile FreeSWITCH:

./configure -C && make all install sounds-install moh-install mod_erlang_event-install mod_shell_stream-install

Make sure that there is a FreeSWITCH user:

grep freeswitch /etc/passwd

If not, go ahead and create one:

/usr/sbin/useradd -c "FreeSWITCH USER" -d /usr/local/freeswitch -s /sbin/nologin freeswitch

Create FreeSWITCH init script

cd /etc/init.d
touch freeswitch
chmod a+x ./freeswitch

Then copy and paste the script below into your FreeSWITCH file.

#       /etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch
#       The FreeSwitch Open Source Voice Platform
#  chkconfig: 345 89 14
#  description: Starts and stops the freeswitch server daemon
#  processname: freeswitch
#  config: /opt/freeswitch/conf/freeswitch.conf
#  pidfile: /opt/freeswitch/run/freeswitch.pid
# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions
# Source options file
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/freeswitch ]; then
    . /etc/sysconfig/freeswitch
# <define any local shell functions used by the code that follows>
start() {
        echo -n "Starting $PROG_NAME: "
        if [ -e $LOCK_FILE ]; then
            if [ -e $PID_FILE ] && [ -e /proc/`cat $PID_FILE` ]; then
                echo -n $"$PROG_NAME is already running.";
                failure $"$PROG_NAME is already running.";
                return 1
    cd $FS_HOME
        daemon --user $FS_USER --pidfile $PID_FILE "$FS_FILE $FREESWITCH_ARGS $FREESWITCH_PARAMS >/dev/null 2>&1"
        [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $LOCK_FILE;
        return $RETVAL
stop() {
        echo -n "Shutting down $PROG_NAME: "
        if [ ! -e $LOCK_FILE ]; then
            echo -n $"cannot stop $PROG_NAME: $PROG_NAME is not running."
            failure $"cannot stop $PROG_NAME: $PROG_NAME is not running."
            return 1;
    cd $FS_HOME
    $FS_FILE -stop > /dev/null 2>&1
        killproc $PROG_NAME
    [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] &&  rm -f $LOCK_FILE;
        return $RETVAL
rhstatus() {
    status $PROG_NAME;
case "$1" in
        status $PROG_NAME
#        <cause the service configuration to be reread, either with
#        kill -HUP or by restarting the daemons, in a manner similar
#        to restart above>
        [ -f $PID_FILE ] && restart || :
        echo "Usage: $PROG_NAME {start|stop|status|reload|restart}"
        exit 1
exit $RETVAL

Save the file, add the service (We will start it after a few more configuration changes)

/sbin/chkconfig --add freeswitch
/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 freeswitch on

Checkout our Whistle FreeSWITCH configuration repositoryand replace the default FS config

rm -Rf /usr/local/freeswitch/conf
git clone https://github.com/2600hz/whistle-fs.git /usr/local/freeswitch/conf

If the git complains of an SSL certificate problem, prepend the command with env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true The command would then be env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://github.com/2600hz/whistle-fs.git /usr/local/freeswitch/conf It was found useful to create a Domain entry in the $FREESWITCH_HOME/conf/directory folder to allow for the local domain used in the FQDN of the Nodename/Hostname in earlier steps.

This can be done via:

# vim /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/%DOMAIN%.xml ////where %DOMAIN% is replaced by the domain part of the hostname FQDN
    <domain name="example.com">
        <user id="ecallmgr">

Modify “erlang_event.conf.xml” by replacing “MY_HOSTNAME” by the machine hostname in the following command:

sed -i -e 's/%HOSTNAME%/MY_HOSTNAME/g' /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/erlang_event.conf.xml

Change the rights

chmod 600 /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/.erlang.cookie

Then copy the FreeSWITCH cookie in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/.erlang.cookie

///Change this to something different than the default cookie string

Edit /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml to enable mod_shout at startup

<load module="mod_native_file"/>
<!--For icecast/mp3 streams/files-->
<load module="mod_shout"/>          <!-- NEW -->

Fix files ownership:

chown -R freeswitch:freeswitch /usr/local/freeswitch

Start FreeSWITCH and Open the FreeSWITCH cli:

/sbin/service freeswitch start

Type those commands to load the modules:

reload mod_erlang_event
reload mod_shell_stream
reload mod_shout

Restart FreeSWITCH

/sbin/service freeswitch restart

Install Kazoo


See Installing Erlang

See Installing FreeSWITCH

See Installing BigCouch

See Installing AMQP


CentOS / RedHat

sudo yum install -y git zip unzip

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install -y git-core zip unzip

Download Kazoo

Via Git:

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo.git /opt/kazoo

If the git complains of an SSL certificate problem, prepend the command with env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true The command would then be:

env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo.git /opt/kazoo

Via rpm: (coming soon)

wget 'http://somewhere.2600hz.org/kazoo.rpm'; rpm -i kazoo.rpm

Via deb: (coming soon)

wget 'http://somewhere.2600hz.org/kazoo.deb'; dpkg -i kazoo.deb

First, Create a Kazoo user and change permission:

useradd -m -d /opt/kazoo -s /bin/bash kazoo
chown -R kazoo:kazoo /opt/kazoo
su - kazoo
alias sup="/opt/kazoo/utils/sup/sup" # I like to add this to the kazoo user's bash profile

Build the project:

export ERL_LIBS=/opt/kazoo/lib
cd /opt/kazoo
make clean all

Update $YOUR_COOKIE in /opt/kazoo/ecallmgr/conf/vm.args with the string you put in the /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/.erlang.cookie

Change: -setcookie $YOUR_COOKIE

Update $YOUR_COOKIE in /opt/kazoo/whistle_apps/conf/vm.args to something else

Change: -setcookie $YOUR_COOKIE

The default Kazoo-RabbitMQ interface is localhost, it is recommended that you change that here:

vim /opt/kazoo/lib/whistle_amqp-1.0.0/priv/startup.config

Change: localhost to the interface you wish to use

The default interface, port, username and password for CouchDB are stored here, it is recommended that you change those: vim /opt/kazoo/whistle_apps/lib/whistle_couch-1.0.0/priv/startup.config

Change the default interface, port, username and password for CouchDB The default WhApps can be modified here:

vim /opt/kazoo/whistle_apps/priv/startup.config

/// select the default WhApps you wish to run here The Crossbar listening interface and port are set here, it is recommended that you change that here:

vim /opt/kazoo/whistle_apps/apps/crossbar/priv/crossbar.config

/// modify the Crossbar listening interface and port here

For simplicity’s sake, match the cookie value in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/.erlang.cookie with the one in: /opt/kazoo/ecallmgr/conf/vm.args

Start ecallmgr in dev mode: cd /opt/kazoo/ecallmgr/./start-dev.sh

You should see output related to AMQP, loading the initial list of FreeSWITCH nodes, etc. When you’re ready to run long term, use the start.sh script to start ecallmgr in daemon mode. Replace $NODENAME by the nodename you gave mod_erlang_event in the FS conf file, it should be something like freeswitch@your_hostname:

sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node freeswitch@$NODENAME

Verify it connected:

sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance list_fs_nodes

Start WhApps

Start it in dev mode:

cd /opt/kazoo/whistle_apps/ ./start-dev.sh

You should logging related to connecting to AMQP and BigCouch, and starting the initial set of WhApps. Start a WhApp (like Crossbar, registrar or callflow for example):

sup whapps_controller start_app WHAPP_NAME

Check what WhApps are running:

sup whapps_controller running_apps

Additional notes

To get default media prompts, you must start the media manager Whapp:

sup whapps_controller start_app media_mgr

Import the freeswitch media files to Kazoo:

cd /opt/kazoo/utils/media_importer ./media_importer /opt/kazoo/confs/system_media/*.wav

Install Kamailio

How to install Kazoo-enabled Kamailio

Clone Kamailio

git clone git://git.sip-router.org/sip-router kamailio

Clone the Kazoo Kamailio extensions

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/kamailio-qa

Clone the rabbitmq-c lib

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/rabbitmq-c

Build the Lib

cd rabbitmq-c
autoreconf -fi
sudo make install
cd ../

Clone the json-c lib

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/json-c

Build the lib

cd json-c
autoreconf -fi
sudo make install
cd ../

*Enter the *Kamailio repositiory

cd kamailio

Checkout the 4.0 branch:

git checkout -b 4.0 origin/4.0

Apply the Kazoo patch:

git apply ../kamailio-qa/db_kazoo-blf-reg.patch

Set build variables and compile:

path \
cfg_rpc \
corex \
mi_rpc \
async \
auth_diameter \
avpops \
avp \
benchmark \
blst \
call_control \
cfg_db \
counters \
db2_ops \
db_cluster \
db_flatstore \
debugger \
diversion \
dmq \
domainpolicy \
domain \
drouting \
enum \
exec \
group \
imc \
ipops \
malloc_test \
mangler \
matrix \
mediaproxy \
mi_datagram \
mqueue \
msilo \
msrp \
mtree \
nat_traversal \
pdb \
pdt \
pipelimit \
prefix_route \
print_lib \
print \
p_usrloc \
qos \
ratelimit \
rtimer \
rtpproxy \
sca \
sdpops \
seas \
sipcapture \
siptrace \
sms \
speeddial \
sqlops \
sst \
statistics \
timer \
tmrec \
topoh \
uid_auth_db \
uid_avp_db \
uid_domain \
uid_gflags \
uid_uri_db \
uri_db \
userblacklist \
xhttp_rpc \
xhttp \

INCLUDE_MODULES="pua_dialoginfo \
presence \
presence_dialoginfo \
make FLAVOUR=kamailio cfg skip_modules="${EXCLUDE_MODULES}" include_modules="${INCLUDE_MODULES}" prefix=/opt/kamailio/ modules_dirs="modules"
make install

Edit ‘prefix’ in the make command to change the install path for Kamailio. Remove snmpstats if you want.

Configure Kamailio

First setup the Kazoo configs in place of the stock Kamailio:

cd /opt/kamailio/
rm -rf etc/*
ln -s /etc/kazoo/kamailio etc/kamailio

Now edit etc/dbtext/dispatcher:

Dispatcher Set IDs:

1 - Primary media servers

2 - Backup media servers

3 - Alternate media server IPs (used only for classification)

10 - Presence servers (if not locally handled)

20 - Registrar servers (if not locally handled)

setid (integer) destination (sip uri) flags (integer, optional)

1 sip:ip.of.fs1.srv:port 0 1 sip:ip.of.fs2.srv:port 0

Now edit etc/local.cfg:

Edit lines starting with “listen” to reflect the interfaces you want Kamailio to listen on edit the db_url parameters to point to your RabbitMQ broker

Run Kamailio

/opt/kamailio/sbin/kamailio -f /opt/kamailio/etc/kamailio.cfg