Install Debian Manually

This guide is a bit outdated and will install on a unrecommended platform. Its not impossible, nut also not for the weak of heart.

Try the single server install (script), the Kazoo single server ISO install (experimental) or follow the general install instructions.


This installation guide is written to install Kazoo, FreeSWITCH, RabbitMQ and BigCouch on a single Ubuntu box. I have tested it on Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04. FreeSWITCH is build from source as deb packages. Erlang, RabbitMQ and BigCouch are installed using Debian/Ubuntu package manager that is apt-get.

I have prepared few scripts to automate the build process. I have copied these scripts FreeSWITCH wiki and other sources from Internet. None of these scripts are my own creation but I have modified them to fix the bugs or to make them run on latest version of Ubuntu. I am thankful to the original others for providing these scripts.

Prepare Build Process

Create a src directory in your home folder where we will run the build process. Please note build process will be run as normal user. You must have permissions to sudo command.

mkdir ~/src

Clone the script git repository to checkout the utility scripts.

git clone

Install Erlang & RabbitMQ

Kazoo depends on esl-erlang R15B03-1. Erlang form Ubuntu repository does not include erlang-nox package, therefore, we would need to create a dummy erlang-nox package and its dependencies to install esl-erlang properly. I have found a script ( which does this job. However, out of the box this does not install the R15B03-1 version. I have modified this script to install the correct version. This script will also install the latest RabbitMQ from RabbitMQ repository. Change to the script directory and Install esl-erlang and RabbitMQ Erlang:

sudo ./

Verify if RabbitMQ is running.

service rabbitmq-server status

If RabbitMQ is not running you start the RabbitMQ using:

service rabbitmq-server start

Install BigCouch

Follow the BigCouch install and user guide at to install BigCouch. In summary:

echo "deb `lsb_release -cs` main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudant.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bigcouch

You will see unauthenticated repository error/warning. You can ignore them for now. This will install the BigCouch in /opt/bigcouch directory. You can start/stop BigCouch using:

sv start bigcouch #start BigCouch
svn stop bigcouch #stop BigCouch

Configure BigCouch

To set admin users and database folder edit the local.ini in /opt/bigcouch/etc folder:

; local customizations are stored here
admin = your admin password
kazoo = your admin password

;location of database folder
database_dir = /var/lib/bigcouch
view_index_dir = /var/lib/bigcouch

;log file location
file = /var/log/bigcouch/bigcouch.log
level = info
include_sasl = true
secret = <some password>
Create database and log folder and assign proper ownership:
mkdir /var/lib/bigcouch
mkdir /var/log/bigcouch

chown bigcouch:daemon/var/lib/bigcouch /var/log/bigcouch
Edit vm.args file in /opt/bigcouch/etc, to set the cookies and -name
# Each node in the system must have a unique name. A name can be short
# (specified using -sname) or it can by fully qualified (-name). There can be
# no communication between nodes running with the -sname flag and those running 
# with the -name flag
#Fqdn examle: bigcouch@<your fqdn>  

# All nodes must share the same magic cookie for distributed Erlang to work.
# Comment out this line if you synchronized the cookies by other means (using
# the ~/.erlang.cookie file, for example).
-setcookie <some cookie name>

# Tell SASL not to log progress reports
-sasl errlog_type error

# Use kernel poll functionality if supported by emulator
+K true

# Start a pool of asynchronous IO threads
+A 16

# Comment this line out to enable the interactive Erlang shell on startup
+Bd -noinput

You will need to restart BigCouch for this to take effect:

sv restart bigcouch

Install FreeSWITCH

FreeSWITCH wiki have a nice guide to install the FreeSWITCH using Debaian build process. You can copy the script from to automate the build. Kazoo needs few extra FreeSWITCH modules which are not enabled out of the box in FreeSWITCH Ubuntu/Debian build process. Therefore, You will need to create a modules.conf file in the build folder i.e. ~/src. Git repository cloned in “Prepare Build” step has a modules.conf file. This file has all the requisite modules and you can copy this file instead of creating your own.

Run FreeSWITCH build from your build directory that is ~/src.


Build FreeSWITCH sound and music packages:


Install FreeeSWITCH

cd ~/src

#move debug deb packages to a folder
mkdir dbg
mv *dbg*.deb dbg

#install FreeSWITCH lib
sudo dpkg -i libfreeswitch1_1.2.11~n20130730T132523Z-1~precise+1_amd64.deb 

#install other FreeSWITCH packages.
sudo dpkg -i freeswitch*

#Fix file and folder ownership ownership
sudo chown -R freeswitch:daemon /etc/freeswitch/

#fix music paths
cd /usr/share/freeswitch/sounds/music
sudo ln -s default/8000 8000
sudo ln -s default/16000 16000
sudo ln -s default/32000 32000
sudo ln -s default/48000 48000

We will configure FreeSWITCH along with Kazoo. You can start/stop the FreeSWITCH with:

sudo service freeswitch start     #Start FreeSWITCH
sudo service freeswitch stop      #Stop FreeSWITCH
sudo service freeswitch restart   #Restart FreeSWITCH

Installing Kazoo

Install dependencies:

apt-get install -y xsltproc zip

Download Kazoo from git repository. I have tested branch 3.0 and 2.12, Master branch may work but I did not test it.

git clone -b 3.0 git:// /opt/kazoo

Compile Kazoo:

cd /opt/kazoo

TO configure Kazoo, checkout the configuration repository to /etc/kazoo folder:

sudo git clone /etc/kazoo

Edit the config.ini in /etc/kazoo folder:

; section are between [] = [section]
; key = value
; to comment add ";" in front of the line
uri = "amqp://guest:guest@"

compact_automatically = true
cookie = <your unique cookie>
ip = ""
port = 5984
username = "kazoo"
password = "<password set in BigCouch admin"
admin_port = 5986

cookie = <your unique cookie>

cookie = <your unique cookie>

syslog = info
console = notice
file = error
Test  Kazoo applications:
cd /opt/kazoo/scripts

You will see plenty of log messages on terminal window. Make sure you don’t see any database connectivity or RabbitMQ connectivity errors. If there are any errors, fix them and restart applications in dev mode. If applications start properly, start the Kazoo applications in background:


Test Kazoo ecallmgr:

cd /opt/kazoo/scripts

If applications start properly, start the Kazoo ecallmgr in background:


Configure FreeSWITCH

Kazoo configuration repository checked out in /etc/kazoo folder in previous step have a configuration folder for FreeSWITCH. You will need to move the configuration files installed with out of the box FreeSWITCH and copy the Kazoo specific configuration files to FreeSWITCH configuration folder .i.e. /etc/freeswitch

#Make a back of freeswitch files 
mkdir ~/freeswitch-backup
sudo mv /etc/freeswitch ~/freeswitch-backup
#Copy configuration files from kazoo configuration folder to FreeSWITCH configuration folder.
sudo cp -r /etc/kazoo/freeswitch/* /etc/freeswitch
#Fix ownership
chown -R freeswitch:daemon /etc/freeswitch  
Fix the cookie name in /etc/freeswitch/autoload-configs/kazoo.conf.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration name="kazoo.conf" description="General purpose Erlang C-node produced to better fit the Kazoo project">
        <param name="listen-ip" value="" />
        <param name="listen-port" value="8031" />
        <!--<param name="cookie-file" value="/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/.erlang.cookie" />-->
        <param name="cookie" value="<your unique cookie" />
        <param name="shortname" value="false" />
        <param name="nodename" value="freeswitch" />
        <!--<param name="kazoo-var-prefix" value="ecallmgr" />-->
        <!--<param name="compat-rel" value="12"/> -->
SIP profile in  /etc/freeswitch/sip_profiles/sipinterface_1.xml have port set to 11000. You do not want to use non standard port, change it to 5060
<!-- SIP -->
<param name="sip-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
<param name="ext-sip-ip" value="auto"/>
<param name="sip-port" value="5060"/>
Restart the FreeSWITCH
sudo service freeswitch restart

More Kazoo Configurations

To make Kazoo ecallmgr to talk to FreeSWITCH instance, you will need to create/update ecallmgr document in BigCouch DB. Follow the “Manually Editing Database Documents” guide to configure ecallmgr application.