Jonny5 Account Limits

twoway_trunks: 0, two way flat rate trunks can only be used if system_config.jonny5. flat_rate_whitelist regex matches AND system_config.jonny5. flat_rate_blacklist does not. This can also be specified as a pvt_twoway_trunks, the lower will be used.

inbound_trunks: 0, exactly the same as two-way trunks but only used for inbound calls. If there are more inbound calls then trunks two-way trunks will be checked next.

resource_consuming_calls : -1, hard limit on the number of calls that can consume one or more resources (IE: inbound to outbound forwarded number is one resource consuming call), can also be specified as pvt_resource_consuming_calls, the smallest of the two is used.

calls : -1, total number of calls (resource consuming OR NOT) that an account can have, can also be specified as pvt_calls, the smallest of the two is used.

allow_prepay : true, allows the customer to disable per_minute authorizations relying solely on trunks and/or allotments, this will be overridden by pvt_allow prepay.

pvt_type: “limits”,

pvt_vsn: “1”,

pvt_account_id: “d75312345678901234567890”,

pvt_account_db: “account%2Fd7%2F53%12345678901234567890”,

pvt_created: 63518278682,

pvt_modified: 63518278682,

pvt_soft_limit_outbound: false, allows otherwise unauthorized outbound calls to continue

pvt_soft_limit_inbound: true, allows otherwise unauthorized inbound calls to conitnue

pvt_allow_prepay: true,

pvt_allow_postpay: true, whether or not to allow the account to go negative

pvt_max_postpay_amount: 100, the maximum negative amount that is acceptable


did_us: then classification of a number as per system_config.number_manager.classifiers

amount: 120, the allotment in seconds

cycle: “hourly” the allotment reset period: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely


did_us: then classification of a number as per system_config.number_manager.classifiers

percentage: 10 - a percentage discount off the rate of EVERY per_minute call

pvt_enabled: true, should limits be enforced for this account, IF FALSE THE ACCOUNT IS UNRESTRICTED

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