allow_account_number_additions/1 | (AccountId) | Allows the account to add its own numbers |
app/1 | (AppNameOrId) | Fetch and print an App’s metadata |
apps/0 | | Fetch and print all known Apps’ metadata |
cascade_disable_accounts/1 | (AccountId) | Disable the account and all descendants |
cascade_disable_delinquent/1 | (AccountId) | Disable the account and all descendants IF the account has less than -$1 |
cascade_disable_delinquent/2 | (AccountId,ThresholdCurrency) | Disable the account and all descendants IF the account has less than ThresholdCurrency |
cascade_enable_accounts/1 | (AccountId) | Enable the account and all descendants |
create_account/4 | (AccountName,Realm,Username,Password) | Create an account - typically used for the master account |
db_init/0 | | Updates system schemas using files in Crossbar `priv’ folder during startup |
demote_account/1 | (AccountId) | Remove superduper_admin status from the account |
descendants_count/0 | | Reconciles all accounts’ descendant count |
descendants_count/1 | (AccountId) | Reconciles an account’s descendant count |
disable_account/1 | (AccountId) | Marks an account as disabled |
disallow_account_number_additions/1 | (AccountId) | Remove ability for account to add its own numbers |
does_schema_exist/1 | (Schema) | Checks that a given schema (and any referenced schemas) exist |
enable_account/1 | (AccountId) | Marks an account as enabled |
find_account_by_id/1 | (Id) | Given an ID, print a summary of the account |
find_account_by_name/1 | (Name) | Given an account name, search for and print a summary of the account with that name |
find_account_by_number/1 | (Number) | Given a phone number, search for and print a summary of the account that owns the number |
find_account_by_realm/1 | (Realm) | Given an SIP realm, search for and print a summary of the account with that realm |
flush/0 | | Flushes the cached system_config/crossbar document and crossbar’s local cache |
init_app/1 | (AppPath) | AppPath is the filesystem path to the app’s metadata/app.json |
init_app/2 | (AppPath,AppUrl) | Initializes (or updates) the app to use the AppUrl for API requests |
init_apps/1 | (AppsPath) | AppsPath is the filesystem path to a directory of apps (which each have a metadata/app.json file |
init_apps/2 | (AppsPath,AppUrl) | Initializes (or updates) the apps to use the AppUrl for API requests |
migrate/0 | | Applies any data migrations needed between versions of 2600Hz |
migrate/1 | (AccountDbs) | |
migrate_call_forward/1 | (AccountDb) | |
move_account/2 | (Account,ToAccount) | Moves Account to be a child of ToAccount |
promote_account/1 | (AccountId) | Add the superduper_admin status to the account |
refresh/0 | | Deprecated: use kapps_maintenance refresh instead |
refresh/1 | (Value) | Deprecated: use kapps_maintenance refresh Value instead |
refresh_app/1 | (AppPath) | Updates app’s metadata |
refresh_app/2 | (AppPath,AppUrl) | Updates app’s metadata and API URL |
refresh_apps/1 | (AppsPath) | Updates all apps’ metadata |
refresh_apps/2 | (AppsPath,AppUrl) | Updates all apps’ metadata and API URL |
register_views/0 | | Registers Crossbar’s CouchDB views into the system_data database |
running_modules/0 | | Lists the currently running API endpoints |
set_app_description/2 | (AppId,Value) | Updates the app’s description metadata |
set_app_extended_description/2 | (AppId,Value) | Updates the app’s extended description metadata |
set_app_features/2 | (AppId,Value) | Updates the app’s features metadata. 1features must be @-separated if more than one is supplied. |
set_app_field/3 | (AppId,Field,Value) | Updates the app’s metadata with Field => Value |
set_app_icon/2 | (AppId,PathToPNGIcon) | Updates the app’s icon |
set_app_label/2 | (AppId,Value) | Updates the app’s label metadata |
set_app_screenshots/2 | (AppId,PathToScreenshotsFolder) | Updates the app’s screenshot metadata |
start_module/1 | (Module) | Starts an API endpoint and persists it to the startup list |
stop_module/1 | (Module) | Stops and API endpoint and removes it from the startup list |
update_schema/1 | (Schema) | Update the individual schema in the database |
update_schemas/0 | | Updates the system_schemas database with the on-disk version of the schema |