Kazoo Number Manager Bandwidth (NEW API)

The kazoo number manager Bandwidth2 module can be used to integrate Kazoo with http://www.bandwidth.com/ using the new api.

Configuring number manager

To enable kazoo number manager to use the Bandwidth module you will need to first update the number_manager document in the system_config database.

In the configuration section that applies to your crossbar servers (or the default) add "knm_bandwidth2" to the carrier_modules parameter.

For example:

       "carrier_modules": [

Optionally, you can also set the port in default module to Bandwidth if your port requests are primarily processed by Bandwidth. This will cause numbers in completed port in requests to be associated with the Bandwidth module.

       "port_in_module_name": "knm_bandwidth2"

Configuring the Bandwidth module

Once the module is enabled in number manager the first requests to it will generate a new configuration document called "number_manager.bandwidth2" in the system_config database.

This document has the following parameters.

  • account_id: this is the account-id that is provided by bandwidth for your account
  • api_username: username to log into the api with
  • api_password: password to log into the api with
  • site_id: the site-id to use when purchasing numbers
  • sip_peer: the sip peer to use when purchasing numbers
  • debug: If this parameter is set to true then each request and reply from Bandwidth will be written as a text file to /tmp/bandwidth.log for developers.
  • enable_provisioning: If this parameter is set to true then the ability to active numbers will be enabled. If set to false then the module will only perform number searches.
  • sandbox_provisioning: intended to be used with enable_provisioning. If set to true then all number provisioning will pretend to be successful without actually activating.
  • order_name_prefix: an arbitrary string that is added to the "order-id" field of a number provisioning request to bandwidth to identify which numbers where purchased by the Kazoo system.


   "_id": "number_manager.bandwidth2",
   "default": {
       "account_id": "20902288",
       "api_username": "XXXXXX",
       "api_password": "XXXXXX",
       "site_id": "1234",
       "sip_peer": "234222",
       "debug": false,
       "sandbox_provisioning": false,
       "enable_provisioning": true,
       "order_name_prefix": "East coast Kazoo",

Obtaining Site-ID and Sip-Peer

There are sup commands that will list the Site-ID’s and Sip-Peers that are associated with your account to enable you to more easily find these values.

Once you have correctly configured the api_username, api_password, and account_id you may use the following sup commands:

sup knm_bandwidth2 sites

This will list all sites for your account by ID and Name. Then you may use:

sup knm_bandwidth2 peers {SITE_ID}

To list all sip_peers that are configured for a given site.

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