Using Monster Events

Monster UI use postal.js as a local message bus (pub/sub system). It is mostly used to subscribe and publish Common Controls into applications and is wrapped inside Monster methods to simplify their invocation.


Named Functions

To subscribe to a specific function, the following steps need to be respected:

  • in the app variable exists an object called subscribed; inside it link the function to subscribe to to a topic name:
subscribe: {
    'topicName': 'functionName'
  • respect the naming conventions and name the topic following this rule: {appName}.{commonControl}.{functionName}

Anonymous Functions

To subscribe to an anonymous function, the following steps need to be respected:

  • call the Monster method:
monster.sub(topic, callback, context);
  • respect the naming conventions and name the topic following this rule: '{appName}.{commonControl}.{functionName}'
  • the context parameter is optional and will be used as this in the callback


Thanks to Monster UI core methods, publishing is really easy:, data);

The topic should follow the rule: '{appName}.{commonControl}.{functionName}' The data parameter can be a callback or an object containing a function used as callback.

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