



params is a mandatory Object parameter with the following properties:

resourceKazoo SDK method name.Stringtrue
apiRootOverride the API URL set in config.js for this request only.Stringmonster.config.api.defaultfalse
authTokenOverride the authentication token (JWT) generated during the authentication process for this request only.Stringmonster.util.getAuthToken()false
bypassProgressIndicatorWhether or not to hide the request progress indicator while this request is in progress.Booleanfalsefalse
dataA plain JavaScript object that contains the list of parameters to be sent on the request.Object(#data)true
successA function to be called if the request succeeds (200 OK). The function gets passed two arguments: the response payload formatted according to the data type; a string describing the status.Functionfalse
errorA function to be called if the request fails (except for 402 Payment Required, see onChargesCancelled). The function receives three arguments: the error parsed as JSON; the raw error from the ajax error handler; a function to throw a generic Monster UI request error.Functionfalse
onChargesCancelledA function called when the error is specifically a 402 Payment Required. It is executed if the user declines the charges associated with the request.Functionfalse


Here is a list of some common data properties. However, this object may contain other properties besides the ones listed here, depending on the requested resource.

acceptChargesWhether the UI bypasses the charges confirmation dialog for Kazoo requests triggering a service plan charge (this prop is overridden by monster.config.whitelabel.acceptCharges.autoAccept when set to true).Booleanfalsefalse
accountIdKazoo account ID.Stringfalse
dataPayload to be sent in as request body.Objectfalse
filtersA map of filters to append to the API URL, where the key is the URL parameter name and the value is the parameter’s value.Objectfalse
generateErrorWhether or not to display the generic Monster UI error dialog when the request fails.Booleantruefalse
headersAn object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with the request (e.g. { 'Accept': 'application/octet-stream' }).Objectfalse


Every Monster app has a helper function callApi(_params_) that can be used to call any API endpoint supported by the Kazoo SDK.

It is automatically configured with our Kazoo SDK and takes the same parameter structure as the monster.request(_params_) function, as well as some additional arguments, to easily interact with the Kazoo API within the application context. The main difference, however, is that the resource value must be a valid Kazoo SDK’s method name, which means that you don’t have to declare any resource in the app’s requests object, compared to the monster.request(_params_) function.


Request all the devices for the current account, without displaying Monster UI progress indicator

var self = this;

// ...

self.callApi(params: {
  resource: 'device.list',
  data: {
    accountId: self.accountId
  bypassProgressIndicator: true,
  success: function(data, status) {
    var devices =;

    // Do something with the device list
  error: function(parsedError, error, globalHandler) {
    // Handle failure

Request the callflows that belong to the current user, and have not been last modified by Smart PBX nor Call Center apps

var self = this;

// ...

self.callApi(params: {
  resource: 'callflow.list',
  data: {
    accountId: self.accountId,
    filters: {
      'filter_not_ui_metadata.origin': [
  success: function(data, status) {
    var callflows =;

    // Do something with the callflow list

Request to create a voicemail box, but handle the charge declination case

var self = this,

// ...

self.callApi(params: {
  resource: 'voicemail.create',
  data: {
    accountId: self.accountId,
    data: newVMBox
  success: function(data) {
    var savedVMBox =;

    // Do something with the newly created vmbox...
  onChargesCancelled: function() {
    console.log('Charges not accepted by the user!');

Request to create a user, but do not display the default error alert in case of HTTP 400 status code

var self = this,

// ...

self.callApi(params: {
  resource: 'user.create',
  data: {
    accountId: self.accountId,
    data: newUser
  success: function(data) {
    var savedUser =;

    // Do something with the newly created user...
  error: function(parsedError, error, globalHandler) {
    if (error.status === 400) { // You could check also: parsedError.error === '400'
      // Handle error due to invalid data...
    } else {
      // Display default alert
      globalHandler(parsedError, { generateError: true });

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