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monster.ui.generateAppLayout(thisArg, options);


Key Description Type Default Required
thisArg Context of the app invoking the helper. Object true
options Object(#/options) true


Key Description Type Default Required
appType Define wrapper behavior. String('default' | 'fullscreen' | 'docked') default false
forceNavbar Render navbar even when only one tab exists (overrides hideNavbar when true). Boolean false false
hideNavbar Hide navbar even when multiple tabs (more than 1) are defined. Boolean false false
menus Array true
menus.[] Object(#/menu) true
Key Description Type Default Required
pull Floating direction. String('left' | 'right') left false
tabs Array true
tabs.[] Object(#/tab) true


Key Description Type Default Required
text Tab menu label (mandatory if more than on item in tabs). String false
callback Callback on click (mandatory if no menus property). Function false
onClick Execute before callback. Function false
layout Define layout type for this tab. String('fullscreen' | 'docked') false
menus Array false
menus.[] Object(#/menu) false


The monster.ui.generateAppLayout() method generates a consistent markup to wrap the content of your Monster app. It also generates the navbar menu of the app and handles tab clicks and animations. The goal of this method is to empower developers by giving them the basics (app navbar, tabs handling) so they can just an start coding the core of their app.

The markup generated will looks like this:

<div id="{appName}_app_container" class="app-layout">
  <div class="app-header">
    <div class="app-navbar-bg">
      <div class="app-navbar-wrapper">
        <nav class="app-navbar monster-navbar">
          /* app navbar */
    <div class="app-subnav-bg">
      <div class="app-subnav-wrapper">
        <nav class="app-subnav monster-navbar">
          /* app subnav */
  <div class="app-content-wrapper">
    /* app content */

The monster-navbar contains the navbar and subnav of the application, depending on the options passed to the method.



An app can have three different types: default, fullscreen and docked. Those types will only impact the markup and styling of the generated layout.


Maximum width of 1280px with 20px of on each sides to keep it from hitting the sides on smaller screens.


Takes the full width of the window minus the 20px of padding on each side.


No margin or padding around the wrapper, the content will be right next to the topbar and take full size of the window.


Generate layout with navbar and menus#

Layout with navbar and multiple menus

monster.ui.generateAppLayout(app, {
  menus: [{
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Home',
      callback: function() {}
    }, {
      text: 'List',
      callback: function() {}
  }, {
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Settings',
      callback: function() {}
  }, {
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Q&A',
      callback: function() {}
    }, {
      text: 'Support',
      callback: function() {}

The concept of multiple menus is simply used to group tabs together with a separator between them.

Generate layout with navbar and sub-menus#

Layout with navbar and sub-menus

monster.ui.generateAppLayout(app, {
  menus: [{
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Settings',
      menus: [{
        tabs: [{
          text: 'Profile',
          callback: function() {}
        }, {
          text: 'Account',
          callback: function() {}
        }, {
          text: 'Emails',
          callback: function() {}
      }, {
        tabs: [{
          text: 'Billing',
          callback: function() {}
  }, {
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Q&A',
      callback: function() {}
    }, {
      text: 'Support',
      callback: function() {}

When a menu has sub-menus, the callback of the first sub-menu will be used as its default callback.

Generate layout with navbar and menus pulled right#

Layout with navbar and menus pulled right

monster.ui.generateAppLayout(app, {
  menus: [{
    pull: 'right',
    tabs: [{
      text: 'Q&A',
      callback: function() {}
    }, {
      text: 'Support',
      callback: function() {}

Generate layout without navbar#

Layout without navbar

monster.ui.generateAppLayout(app, {
  menus: [{
    tabs: [{
      callback: function() {}

Since only one tab was defined, no navbar will be rendered.