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This documentation is curated by 2600Hz as part of the KAZOO open source project. Join our community forums here for peer support. Only features in the space are included as part of our 2600Hz Support Services plan.

Blackhole Real-time HTTP Websocket Events#

Binding to events#

The binding syntax is the same used throughout all Crossbar applications, since it is the same as AMQP's binding syntax.

Here are a non-exhaustive list of bindings provided per default callback module: * bh_call: * call.CHANNEL_CREATE.* * call.CHANNEL_ANSWER.* * call.CHANNEL_DESTROY.* * call.CHANNEL_BRIDGE.* * bh_conference: * conference.event.*.* * conference.command.* * bh_fax: * fax.status.*

Writing your own bindings#

Blackhole callback modules provide bindings to Kazoo events. If however you do not find a callback module that provides the bindings you are looking for, you can easily add your own!

  1. Copy bh_skel into bh_mymodule.erl
  2. Make sure the module name is prefixed by bh_
  3. Make sure that it resides in the modules/ directory
  4. Now to make it listen to the events you want:
    • Your Blackhole callback module has to export the following functions:
      1. handle_event/2
        • Receives an EventJObj from AMQP
        • Then, one can do some pre-processing of the data (validation, normalization, ...)
        • And conditionally forward it down the Websockets pipe, calling fun blackhole_data_emitter:emit/3
      2. {add,rm}_amqp_binding/2
        • These two functions bind/unbind the Websocket consumer to the corresponding Blackhole producer.
        • The bindings are added when the Blackhole app starts
        • And removed when it stops